Your Mistake Type


You find joy and reassurance in being recognized by others. Always conscious of how you're perceived, you're often swayed by external evaluations. Your strong desire for approval can lead to boastfulness or moodiness when not acknowledged, causing challenges in maintaining healthy relationships.

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Analyzing Your Life's Tendencies for Mistakes
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What should be done next?
Explanation and Advice


Your strong desire for acknowledgment prioritizes being recognized by others. This can make you seem troublesome, always talking about yourself or being jealous. The tendency to be overly dissatisfied when not acknowledged can cause issues, so it's important to avoid mistaking your standards for universal norms.

Have you been behaving like this?
  • Eager to talk about lack of sleep or hardships faced
  • Often points out others' flaws
  • Happy when praised but angry when not
  • Seeks to be understood by others
Advice for Resolution

Being praised by others isn't the only value in life, so learn diverse values through reading. Books compile the wisdom and experiences of predecessors with high quality, offering new ideas and insights. It's challenging to change ways of thinking and feeling from childhood, so it's crucial to practice what you learn and let it seep into your value system.


You often perplex others with inappropriate comments or actions. Most KY (social unawareness) issues persist due to a lack of self-awareness and effort to improve. Recognizing the possibility of being socially unaware is a vital first step to avoid such failures.

Have you been behaving like this?
  • Often silences a room with own remarks
  • Reveals secrets that shouldn't be told
  • Considers self to be funny
  • Doesn't listen to others' stories
Advice for Resolution

Observing people is an effective method to improve social awareness. Watch people who are good at reading the room, mimic their conversation content and timing. After analyzing these tendencies, practice them in actual conversations. Seeking feedback from others on the good and bad points of a conversation can be highly effective.


As an action-oriented person, your unplanned movements lead to many failures. Without strategic planning, your actions lack consistency and can trap you in difficult situations. Although you can achieve results faster than cautious individuals, your frequent failures bring continuous challenges.

Have you been behaving like this?
  • Troubled by unsuitable work at a casually chosen company
  • Fails to convince others due to unconvincing explanations
  • Faces hardships from acting without heeding advice
  • Encounters unexpected troubles due to lack of planning
Advice for Resolution

As someone who's action-oriented, consulting with a cautious, well-informed person is effective. They'll not only provide you with information but also explain potential risks. Acting on knowledge gained from consultations can reduce the risk of mistakes and lead to greater success.

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Approval-seeking, Tone-deaf, Planless
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Analyzing Your Life's Tendencies for Mistakes
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