Psychopathy Spectrum Test | Do You Have an Antisocial Personality?

How much of an antisocial aspect do you think you have within yourself? By taking this test, you can find out if you are a 'Psychopath,' a person with an antisocial personality.

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What is a Psychopath?

A psychopath refers to a person with an antisocial personality, which is medically classified as 'antisocial personality disorder.'

Lacking conscience and goodwill, they tend to have skewed ways of thinking and behave differently compared to the general population.

It is estimated that 1% to several percent of the population are psychopaths, which means there could be about 1.2 million psychopaths in Japan.

In many studies, psychopathy is evaluated from two aspects: 'primary psychopathy,' which includes emotional traits like callousness and selfishness, and 'secondary psychopathy,' which involves behavioral traits such as impulsivity and deviant social behavior.

Characteristics of Psychopaths

Psychopaths exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Skilled in conversation
  • Appear charismatic
  • Attempt to manipulate others
  • Frequently lie
  • Prioritize outcomes
  • Lack conscience
  • Seek stimulation
  • Unscrupulous in methods
  • Resilient to pressure
  • Confident in themselves
  • Emotionally detached
  • Callous and unmerciful
  • Absence of guilt
  • Tend to boast
  • Incapable of empathy
  • Self-centered
  • Promiscuous
  • Unable to set long-term goals

Careers Suited for Psychopaths

Psychopaths, who can make quick decisions, often excel in jobs requiring decisiveness. Their fearless nature also makes them suitable for high-risk jobs. Suitable careers include:

  • CEO
  • Lawyer
  • Surgeon
  • Media Professional
  • Journalist
  • Police Officer
  • Salesperson
  • Politician
  • Finance Professional
  • Military Personnel
  • Clergy
  • Chef

Careers Unsuitable for Psychopaths

Due to their low empathy, psychopaths are unsuited for jobs requiring compassion and understanding of others. These include:

  • Nurse
  • Caregiver
  • Engineer
  • Therapist
  • Internist
  • Philanthropist
  • Artist
  • Teacher
  • Craftsman
  • Accountant
  • Hairstylist
  • Stylist

Q&A on Psychopathy

Q: Are psychopaths highly intelligent?

A: It's a common misconception that psychopaths have high IQs, but they vary just like the general population. Some are intelligent, while others are not. They appear capable due to their quick decision-making and lack of hesitation in actions.

Q: Can psychopaths understand others' emotions?

A: They can comprehend basic emotions like anger, joy, and surprise at a normal level, but struggle with understanding fear and sadness. However, psychopaths are adept at reading facial expressions to discern others' emotions, despite their lack of empathy.

Q: What troubles psychopaths?

A: A 2015 study in China revealed that 'loneliness' is a major concern for psychopaths. Selfish behaviors lead to estrangement from others, and their fickle nature hinders forming long-term relationships.

Q: How is the brain of a psychopath different from others?

A: Reduced activity in areas like the amygdala, orbitofrontal cortex, and ventromedial prefrontal cortex characterizes their brains. This leads to impulsive behavior and a lack of empathy for others.

Q: Difference between psychopaths and sociopaths?

A: While both are classified as 'antisocial personality disorders' in psychiatry, psychopaths have innate brain structural differences leading to their antisocial behavior, whereas sociopaths' antisocial personalities develop from childhood experiences and environmental factors.

Q: How to Identify a Psychopath by Appearance?

A: According to studies from Germany and Canada, men with wider facial width-to-height ratios tend to exhibit higher psychopathy or antisocial traits. This correlation may be related to higher levels of male hormones, which are associated with increased competitiveness and aggression. Research continues to explore the link between these hormonal effects and psychopathy.

Q: What Are the Criteria for Diagnosing Psychopathy?

A: The diagnosis of psychopathy often involves the "Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)" and DSM-5 criteria. The PCL-R evaluates 20 items related to antisocial behavior and emotional deficits to quantify psychopathy. In contrast, the DSM-5 classifies it as "Antisocial Personality Disorder," focusing on persistent patterns of behavior that disregard social norms.

The Complete Guide to Psychopath Personality

Use this guide to find out everything you desire to know about the personality of a psychopath. When you learn the word "psychopath," you might believe in a serial killer or a fictional bad guy. However, knowing about these psychopaths, you can tell if you're dealing with one daily.

What is a psychopath?

Psychopathy combines superficial charm, bad judgment, and the inability to learn from past mistakes. The person's personality also includes manipulative, self-serving, and often cruel traits. Even though psychopaths have many different traits, it is still one of the hardest disorders to diagnose.

Psychopathy is interesting to scientists. Genes cause psychopathy and how the brain is built. Psychopath personalities are hard to treat in adults, but several programs can help. People with psychopathy symptoms often don't get help because they believe false ideas about mental health.

When treatment is being thought about, there is a fear of being shunned by society or getting in trouble at work or in court. To ensure that people with psychopathy or similar mental illnesses get treatment, it is important to treat them with kindness and understanding.

Take a closer look

A person with psychopathy might have any of the following traits:

  • Acutely intelligent
  • Charming
  • Unempathetic
  • Self-serving
  • Impulsive

Psychopathy is a term that is often used in legal and clinical settings, even though it is not an official mental health diagnosis. Sociopaths are thought to have an antisocial personality disorder, which has many of the same signs as psychopathy.

Not everybody with an antisocial personality disorder is a psychopath, though. It's also important to remember that a psychopath's signs are different from those of a sociopath. There is no doubt about the difference between sociopaths and psychopaths.

Psychopaths vs. Sociopaths

Psychopaths tend to be cold-hearted and cold-blooded, while sociopaths tend to be more emotional. One of the biggest differences between sociopaths and psychopaths is that psychopaths don't have a conscience.

People like this are often smart, good at acting out emotions, and charming. Experts usually think of them as skilled actors whose only goal is to trick people for their gain. Most psychopaths don't care what happens due to what they do, which is a big risk.

Common Signs of Psychopathic Behavior

A person with a psychopathic personality has many different traits.


Most people who are psychopathic act on impulse. This kind of impulsivity can include not planning, feeling both positive and negative urgency, and being unable to stick with something. Also, people labeled as psychopaths often react quickly to outside stimuli without caring much about the short-term or long-term effects.

Psychopaths often react to different things or events based on their first feelings, like anger or desire. Some people act on impulse even though they don't have a psychopathic personality, and others act on impulse even though they don't have a disease or mental health problem. Getting help is important when impulsivity leads to aggressive behavior, being easily distracted, restless, or having things come up.


When someone has psychopath traits, they also have narcissistic traits. This is a big difference between psychopaths and sociopaths. People with these personalities can't understand how others feel or see the world from their point of view. Also, they don't have a conscience or a sense of guilt that would stop them from acting badly.

Narcissists don't care what other people think. People with narcissistic personality disorder are on the high end of a narcissism scale (NPD). When a person shows narcissism, charisma, and charm tend to follow. Also, even in relationships, these people don't act badly right away.

Characteristics of being heartless

Callous-unemotional (CU) traits are part of a person's personality, including being cold to others, having limited effect, and having low empathy. Psychopaths with this trait don't care much about how other people feel. These psychopath features are the most distinguishing aspect of psychopathy and are connected with severe antisocial conduct.

Some of the most general reasons people are cold and unfeeling are neural mechanisms and genes. If CU traits are caused by how the brain works, the body doesn't have enough cortisol, which makes the person less alert. Because of this, the person may have trouble processing fear. Keep in mind that sudden emotional events can also cause CU traits.

A Lack of Guilt

If a person has a lot of psychopathic traits, they may not feel guilty or care about others. People like this may also not care about how their choices affect others. Instead of feeling bad about what they did, they would rather explain it away and blame someone else. In some cases, they may say they didn't do those things.

If someone doesn't feel guilty or sorry, they wouldn't have any reason to think they did something wrong. Another difference between sociopath and psychopath personalities is that most psychopaths can't judge things based on their moral worth. They also can't form emotional bonds with other people because they don't have empathy.

Antisocial Conduct

Psychopaths might do things that hurt other people. These are called antisocial behaviors. These actions bother other people and go against their basic rights. Most of the time, psychopathy is a long-term pattern of breaking social rules, like stealing, lying, stealing, and not attending school. Most of the time, antisocial behavior is a sign of antisocial personality disorder, but new research shows that it may also be a sign of psychopathy.

Personality Traits of a Psychopath

Psychopathic traits usually start appearing when the person is young and worsen over time. Some of the most important signs of a psychopath are:

  • Misleading behavior
  • tendencies to lie a lot
  • Superficial charm
  • Impulsivity
  • Irresponsibility
  • It's hard to show regret
  • Recurrent legal issues
  • Sinful sexual behavior
  • Small feelings

Causes of Psychopathy

Early research shows that most signs of a psychopath come from problems with how they attach to their parents as children. A child's chance of becoming a psychopath increases if their parents don't care about them or show them affection. Here are the major causes of psychopathy:

Emotional Deprivation

Psychopath personality traits can show up when people don't have close relationships that give them love, affection, interest, and affirmation. Children who don't get enough emotional support and don't feel empathy or guilt as kids may have psychopath traits as adults. Children with psychopathic tendencies can also show antisocial behaviors such as bullying and violence at a young age.

Parental Rejection

Parental rejection is when parents don't love their children, like when they pull away from them in a big way and stop giving them warmth and care. Children who grow up feeling like their parents don't love them may become psychopathic. People should deal with the pain of being rejected, build both these strong relationships, and realize they are not to blame.

Lack of Feeling

Skin hunger is another word for not caring about someone. It describes a person that is significantly disadvantaged in affection. Some people may feel like they don't have enough meaningful connections with other people. These people often show signs of being a psychopath, such as depression, worsening health, and stress.


When a child is abused when they are young, it can give them psychopathic traits. Child maltreatment is any kind of behavior toward a child that goes against the rules. In addition, it creates psychopathic tendencies by creating a high danger of emotional and bodily injury.


When children or teens grow up with certain kinds of abuse, they may become less sensitive to things that hurt or make them anxious. Most of the time, people who have been abused become less emotionally and physically sensitive to the needs of others. These people also become heartless and lack empathy, regret, and guilt.

Insecure Relationships

Insecure attachments show themselves in many ways, such as a fear of emotions, intimacy, and being emotionally close. Some childhood experiences can make it more likely that a person will develop insecure attachment and other traits of a psychopath. Insecure attachments often lead to being separated from a parent too soon, having a hard childhood, and being mistreated.

How is psychopathy identified?

The difference between psychopath and sociopath personalities is that a psychopath personality is not a mental health disorder. Because of this, mental health professionals can't directly test for psychopathy or use a psychopathy checklist.

Evaluation of Mental Health

To diagnose a psychopath, mental health specialists, counselors, and psychologists assess an individual's emotional state. A mental health evaluation or test that uses a psychopathy checklist is often used to diagnose anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. For psychopathy, mental health professionals look for psychopath symptoms.

Medical History

During a psychopathy test or psychopathy checklist, mental health professionals usually ask the person specific questions about their medical history. This helps them make a final diagnosis of psychopathy. For example, licensed professionals may ask about past abuse, mistreatment, insecure attachments, parental rejection, and feelings of deprivation.

Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder Evaluation

A child with antisocial behavior is said to have conduct disorder, a type of behavior disorder. Some common signs of a behavior disorder are not caring about social norms, disregarding the rights and feelings of others, and hurting animals. Oppositional defiant disorder is like conduct disorder, but it also has symptoms of not cooperating and being stubborn.

Treatments for Psychopath Personality

There are specific ways to treat psychopathic personalities, such as therapy and medication.

Obstacles to Treatment

Stigma is one of the biggest reasons children and adults don't get the help they need for psychopathy. Society may often blame the parents for a child's bad behavior and sometimes dismiss the need for help. Many people also think that psychopathy can't be helped with the right treatment. Because of this, most people don't want to pay for treatments for psychopathy.

Treatment Choices

Individual-Centered Therapies

After taking a psychopath test, people of any age with a psychopathic personality can benefit from individual-focused therapy. For psychopaths, going to a therapist means figuring out how they handle their emotions, think, and act in ways that aren't helpful. The treatment helps them learn skills that will help them get better. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a very important type of therapy (CBT).

Family-Based Therapies

This therapy helps kids learn how to deal with their feelings, psychopathic behavior, and other people. Note that the goal of this therapy is not to criticize the parents of children who are having trouble. Instead, it is a collaborative, non-judgmental process that helps families meet their child's needs.

Residential Treatment

After taking a psychopathy test or going through a psychopathy checklist, the person stays at the treatment center. They can go about their daily lives with the help of others in the facility in a healthy and supportive environment. People who go to the treatment center also get help from doctors, professional therapists, and other experts in mental health.


Depending on how bad the psychopathy is, doctors may suggest antidepressants to help reduce the bad behaviors that come with it. After a psychopath test, you should never try to treat yourself with medicine. Instead, it would help if you talked to your doctor before actually taking any medicine.

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