Machiavellianism Test - Are You a Ruthless Machiavellian?

Machiavellianism refers to attitudes and behaviors that use ruthless and manipulative means to gain and maintain power, ignoring morals and ethics. By taking this test, you can find out your level of Machiavellianism in 20 questions and 3 minutes.

Machiavellianism Test - Are You a Ruthless Machiavellian?


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What is Machiavellianism?

Machiavellianism is a concept derived from the thoughts of political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli, which suggests that achieving and maintaining power may necessitate choosing means that set aside moral and traditional values. This theory, based on his seminal work 'The Prince,' exemplifies political realism. Machiavellianism often refers to manipulative behavior lacking in moral conscience, used by individuals or organizations to achieve their goals. Characteristics such as lack of empathy and pursuit of power highlight the self-centered and calculating actions associated with this approach. This theory influences not only political science but also strategic thinking in business and everyday life.

The 4 Dimensions of Machiavellianism



Manipulativeness refers to the behavior or attitude of skillfully manipulating others to achieve one's own goals. This includes persuasion, lying, manipulation of information, and controlling the emotions or actions of others. Individuals high in manipulativeness are adept at using others for their own benefit and do not hesitate to manipulate emotions or relationships if necessary. Conversely, those low in manipulativeness respect others and prioritize sincere communication, facilitating trust-building. While effective in the short term, manipulative behavior risks damaging trust over the long term.

Lack of Morality

Lack of Morality

Lack of morality refers to a tendency to act ignoring moral standards and ethics. This includes lying, misconduct, and harming others. Individuals with a high lack of morality prioritize self-benefit and are willing to use any means to achieve their goals. Although such behavior might bring short-term success, it can lead to the destruction of interpersonal relationships and loss of social trust over time. Individuals with high moral standards respect others' rights and emotions and emphasize ethical behavior.

Lack of Empathy

Lack of Empathy

Lack of empathy refers to a tendency to be indifferent or insensitive towards the feelings or positions of others. Individuals high in lack of empathy are cold towards others' suffering or joy and are insensitive to their feelings. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts in relationships. On the other hand, individuals high in empathy understand and share the feelings of others, making it easier to build positive relationships. Lack of empathy can jeopardize cooperation and trust with others.

Pursuit of Power

Pursuit of Power

Pursuit of power refers to a strong inclination to act to gain status or influence. Those high in power pursuit emphasize their own opinions and positions and seek to dominate others. This includes displaying leadership, competitiveness, and a desire to control others. Individuals low in power pursuit prioritize cooperation and equality. While the pursuit of power can lead to short-term successes, it may also harm relationships with others over time. Maintaining a balance is crucial.

Machiavellianism Test
Are You a Ruthless Machiavellian?
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