Chronotype Quiz - Morning Person or Night Owl: What's Your Sleep Type?

Do you know what kind of sleep suits you best? By understanding your chronotype, you can adopt a lifestyle that suits your genetic makeup. Which of the four animal chronotypes are you?

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What is a Chronotype?

A chronotype refers to the time characteristic that indicates when an individual is most active during the day.

Each person is born with a set pattern of activity and sleep, and living according to that pattern can lead to higher performance and a more comfortable life.

Animal Chronotypes as Proposed
by Dr. Michael Breus

Sleep physician Dr. Michael Breus categorizes chronotypes into four types of animals in his book 'THE POWER OF WHEN'.

  • Lion Chronotype: Morning person who feels good in the morning
  • Bear Chronotype: Morning person who performs best at noon
  • Wolf Chronotype: Night owl, weak in the morning
  • Dolphin Chronotype: Insomniac & short sleeper

By taking our chronotype diagnosis, you can find out which of the four animal types you belong to.

On the diagnosis result page, we provide detailed information about the best times to perform various activities such as:

  • Waking up
  • Going to bed
  • Sleeping hours
  • Focused work
  • Exercise
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol

A Complete Beginner Guide To Chronotype Quiz

Everyone discusses chronotype and how it may improve creativity, physical performance, and general happiness. This is true for teachers who study sleep and the owners of top startups. Here's a quick guide to figuring out your chronotype, how it affects your life, and how to use this powerful force to get more out of life.

What is Chronotype?

Everyone has a master biological clock in their brain, but it doesn't keep the same time or move at the same speed as everyone else's. This is because a study shows that different people work best at different times of the day.

For example, if you've ever heard someone say, "I'm a night owl," it's because some people work better at night than others. This difference is called a "chronotype" caused by a person's internal clock and circadian rhythms.

Chronotype is your circadian type, or how you are different in the morning and evening regarding how active and aware you are. A chronotype is a pattern of behavior that we develop based on our natural rhythms.

A person's chronotype is how they can sleep simultaneously every night for 24 hours. The key is for "each person to sleep at a certain time over 24 hours." So, why haven't they told you that you could sleep whenever you want in those 24 hours?

Learn Your Chronotype

First, let's figure out what kind of chronotype you are. Take the quiz below to find out what type you are and how to make the most of your time:


AutoMEQ is a quiz that tells you your chronotype and what to do about it.

The most study divides animal sleep into four main types:

  • Bear
  • Wolf
  • Lion
  • Dolphin

The Bear chronotype

People bearing chronotypes comprise about 50–55% of the population. This means that you sleep and wake up when the sun does. Do you see a change between 2 and 4? Bears usually sleep simultaneously every night but don't feel like they get enough sleep. If they stay up late on Sunday nights, they can't get into a routine during the week.

A Perfect plan for the Bear chronotype:

Bear chronotype morning schedule: 7 AM to 11 AM

  • Get up and exercise for 8–10 minutes.
  • If you eat a big breakfast and drink coffee, you won't eat too much in the evening, and the extra calories will give you the energy you need for the rest of the day.
  • Plan your day.

Bear chronotype schedule production zone: 11 AM to 6 PM

  • Start with the things that will take the most energy and focus. You'll be able to finish them faster and use your time better.
  • Start your lunch at noon; it will give you vitality for the rest of the day.
  • By lunchtime, you'll notice a decrease in energy levels. If you can go outside for a walk, sunlight and colors will help you wake up and fight off sleepiness. You could also take a short nap to recharge.
  • You may start to feel tired again around 2 PM. Set up coffee breaks and meetings to help you get through the afternoon.

Bear chronotype's after-work schedule: 6 PM to 10 PM

  • It's a great time to get a full workout in. Start with easier and lighter workouts, and keep the length to something you can handle, like a 15-minute HIIT exercise.
  • After you work out, choose a light dinner with fewer carbs and more meat.

End of the day bear chronotype schedule: 10 PM to 11 PM.

  • Bears can stay up late, which makes them grumpy the next day.
  • So, you should turn off your electronics at 10 PM and go to bed at 11 PM.

The Wolf chronotype

Since wolves have trouble getting up early, they are often called "night owls." 15-20% of people put themselves in the "wolves" group. They hate getting up in the morning, going to bed too late, and setting their clock too often to sleep.

They usually work late and need 3 cups of strong coffee to get going. Wolves are more active when they wake up at noon because their most productive time is between noon and 4pm

Wolves also get a big boost in their output around 6 PM, so they can get a lot done when everyone else is done for the day. If you can set your work hours, that's great! But are you stuck forever if your job or shift requires you to stick to a daily schedule? Simply put, no.

A perfect plan for Wolf chronotypes:

Wolf chronotype morning schedule: 7:30 AM to 12 PM

  • Set two alarms 20 minutes apart as a starting point. The first alarm is meant to wake you up, and the second is meant to get you out of bed.
  • Come out to the porch or a window and sip some water while you take the view. It will help you stop being angry about everything.
  • Walking or getting off at a stop that gives you 20–40 minutes to walk is best if you need to get to work. If you work from home, put on your shoes, put on some music, and go for a light jog or walk. A runner's high in the morning would wake you more than a cup of coffee.
  • Have breakfast and a cup of coffee around 11 a.m.

Maximum productivity for the Wolf chronotype: 12 PM to 8 PM

  • Important jobs should be put off until 1 p.m., and you should start slowly.
  • At 2 p.m., you're at your most productive. Now, choose jobs that are hard and work on plans and strategies.
  • You might still feel good at 5 p.m. Take a rest and then get back to operating. It's a great time to work on artistic projects and take a creative walk.

Wolf chronotype's after-work schedule: 8 PM to 10 PM

  • Finish up your food around 8 p.m.

End of the day for wolf chronotype: 10 PM to 12 AM

  • It's simple for you to stay up late, so set a note to make sure you turn off your devices and stop reading on your device by 11 PM. You should be asleep by midnight.

The Lion chronotype

The lion is different from the wolf in some ways. 15% of the people are "lions." They can get up a long time before sunrise and finish almost 80% of their jobs and chores before most people even get out of bed. But it's hard to keep up the same amount of energy in the afternoon and evening. They might look bored when they hang out with their friends at night. Usually, lions relax in the evening and sleep between 9 and 10 p.m.

A perfect plan for a Lion chronotype would be:

Lion's morning schedule: 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.

  • It would help if you had fewer carbs and more meat for breakfast.
  • You can either relax or work out after breakfast before the rest of the world gets up.
  • Almost 10 AM, I have a coffee.

Maximum productivity for Lion chronotype: 10 AM to 5 PM

  • Since you ate breakfast 3–4 hours ago, you could take a short break and eat a protein bar, yogurt, or cottage cheese.
  • You have the most energy, so do as much as you can.
  • Don't plan meetings in the evening, because you'll be too tired or bored to pay attention. Instead, put them on your calendar for the afternoon.
  • You still have enough energy after lunch to stay for another two hours. After that, choose easier jobs to do.

Lion's after-work schedule: 5 to 9 p.m.

  • Around 5 p.m., when you've been awake for about 12 hours, you may feel tired and avoid jobs.
  • If you can, take a short nap.
  • You can also work out to give yourself more energy.
  • As early as you can, eat a healthy dinner.

End of the day for the lion chronotype: 9 PM to 10:30 PM

  • You have the energy to hang out with friends or watch that show on Netflix because you worked out and ate well.
  • But it would help if you went to bed at 10.

The Dolphin chronotype

You might be a dolphin if you've ever had trouble sticking to a sleep routine. Dolphins make up almost 10% of the world's population. These people have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and spending their nights looking through feeds and browsing without a plan. Still, between 10 AM and 2 PM is an excellent time to get things done.

A perfect plan for a Dolphin chronotype would be:

Morning dolphin chronotype schedule: 6 AM to 10 AM

  • A run or light exercise is the best way to start the day.
  • Take a cold shower if it's hot where you live.
  • Have an even amount of carbs and protein in your breakfast around 8 a.m.

Maximum production for the Dolphin chronotype: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

  • Remember how caffeine affects your blood sugar level, and drink small amounts of coffee.
  • Between 10 AM and 12 PM, you have the most energy. This is the best time to choose the hardest things on your list and get them done.
  • Around noon, you may start to feel tired. At that point, you should get up and go for a 20-minute walk.
  • You'll have enough time to finish your work by 6 o'clock.

Dolphin's after-work schedule: 6 PM to 10 PM

  • Choose a small lunch like a banana, a protein bar, or a salad, and then go to the gym or do a workout at home. Don't do power workouts because they won't help you sleep well.
  • Finish eating by 9 o'clock. It's a good time to spend time with friends and family or solve hard problems.

End of the day for the dolphin chronotype: 10 PM to 12 AM

  • Take a nice, warm bath, turn off all your devices, and smuggle a book into bed.
  • Go to bed by noon. You may not fall asleep immediately, but find the position that makes you feel most comfortable.


Knowing your chronotype and how it affects your sleep, you can work with your body to use your time best. This can help you be more productive, get ideas going, and improve your health.

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