Socionics Test - Which of the 16 Personality Sociotypes Are You?

Socionics is a theory of personality classification developed based on Carl Jung's typology and the theory of information metabolism. In Socionics, individuals are categorized into one of 16 distinct types, known as sociotypes. By taking a 40-question test, you can discover which sociotype best represents your personality. So, which type are you?

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What is Socionics?

Socionics is a psychological theory that analyzes human personality and compatibility, proposed in the 1970s by Lithuanian psychologist Ausra Augustinaviciute. This theory is derived from Carl Jung's psychological types and systematically classifies people's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors through 16 sociotypes. Each type possesses a different combination of traits such as 'thinking,' 'feeling,' 'intuition,' and 'sensation,' and is further distinguished as either 'extroverted' or 'introverted.' Socionics focuses particularly on compatibility between different types, helping to deepen the understanding of interpersonal relationships within individuals and teams. By analyzing the compatibility of each type, it reduces communication barriers and provides insights for building smoother relationships. This enhances understanding of relationship building, team management, and personal self-awareness and growth in both professional and private contexts.

The 16 Sociotypes

  • LSE: Organized and practical, the Administrator type prioritizes efficiency.
  • LIE: Goal-oriented with strong strategic thinking, exhibiting leadership.
  • ESE: Sociable and warm, focusing on others' comfort.
  • EIE: Passionate, charismatic, and expressive with emotions.
  • SLE: Decisive with a knack for practical problem-solving.
  • SEE: Active and influential, enjoys social interactions.
  • ILE: Innovative and curious, explores new ideas.
  • IEE: Approachable, positively impacting relationships.
  • SLI: Practical and reliable, skilled in day-to-day operations.
  • ILI: Insightful, prefers independent thinking.
  • SEI: Amiable and supportive, dedicated to ensuring people's comfort.
  • IEI: Introspective and emotionally rich, possesses artistic sensitivity.
  • LSI: Thorough and practical, emphasizes rules and structure.
  • ESI: Has strong personal values, seeks harmony with the environment.
  • LII: Theoretical and contemplative, pursues knowledge.
  • EII: Idealistic and highly sensitive, values ethical standards.

The 16 sociotypes in Socionics are classified as follows. Each type has specific characteristics and tendencies that show different strengths and weaknesses in human relationships and professional roles.

A Complete Beginner Guide to Socionics Personality Test

Socionics is a theory about psychology that divides people into 16 types based on four factors. These factors describe how we take in information and make choices. Socionics was created in the 1970s by a Russian psychologist named Aushra Augustinavichiute.

It is sometimes compared to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Even though they both use the work of Carl Jung to classify personality types, they were made at different times and in different places. Read on to learn what Socionics is, how it came to be, and how it can be used in different situations.

What are the Socionics personality types?

Socionics says that our decision-making and other brain processes are affected by eight cognitive functions:

  • The main places we get information from our our information factors.
  • Processes for making choices, which help us decide
  • Methods of making things that help us make things
  • Values, which show how moral or responsible we are as individuals,
  • Processes of logic, which help us make rational arguments and understand difficult ideas
  • Ethical factors that affect how we act and help us judge what we do
  • Processes of intuition that help us solve problems or find things out on our own. Processes of sensing help us do things based on what we feel.

These roles show how people interact with the world and with each other. By discovering how people see the world, we can improve how well we interact with them.

Socionics vs. MBTI

Socionics and MBTI are both ways to figure out who someone is. Each of them divides people into 16 types based on how they think. The names of MBTI types are based on a simple letter pattern that shows what each type is like.

Socionic types have not only acronyms and full names but also the names of famous people or imaginary characters from books or movies whose traits are similar to those of a certain type. Socionics names 16 types of people based on four pairs of information elements. Only four of the eight categories and two of MBTI's own are used.

Socionics was made in Russia by Aushra Augustinavichiute and is mostly based on Carl Jung's work from the 1970s to the 1980s. On the other hand, MBTI was made by Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Myers in 1943 and has been updated twice since then.

Types of Socionics

Socionic personality types put people into groups based on how they prefer to deal with the world from a psychological point of view. The Socionics method divides people into 16 types describing how they think and act psychologically.

Information elements

Information elements, or IEs, are put together to make up the 16 most common Socionic personality types. Each IE has a sign that shows what information, methods, and other things it handles. There are 8 IEs.

  • The part of introverted perception is the triangle with a black border. Its job is to estimate, predict, and understand how time works.
  • The part of introverted reasoning is the grey square. It's in charge of knowing things like reasoning, organization, grouping, goals, etc.
  • The part of introverted ethics is the L-shaped sign with a black outline. This part is in charge of understanding connections' quality, structure, and upkeep.
  • The part of solitary awareness is the grey circle. It is in charge of feeling body feelings and being in tune with one's surroundings.
  • The extraverted sense part is the black triangle. This IE's job is to understand lasting traits, estimate possibilities, and see the results.
  • The piece of extraverted reasoning is the black square. It has to do with how well things work, how well they work technically, how well they get done, and how well they get information.
  • The aspect of extraverted ethics is the black letter L. This information lets us know how we feel and shows it with our bodies and words.
  • The extraverted sensing part is the black circle. This part controls how we see, control, and protect space.

The different types of personalities in socionics

  • Sense-logic extrovert. People are always doing things around him because he is such a hard worker and a friendly person. He shows how he feels, loves parties, and is kind, friendly, and open.
  • Logic-sensory. A stickler for rules, with a high level of cleanliness and a very serious view of the world. A logical-sensory introvert is honest about his strength; after a few interactions with other people, he changes their whole attitude.
  • Logical and straightforward, but outgoing. He knows exactly what he can do and what other people can do. He loves lively sports and strong feelings. Likes chance. In the world of new tools, it's easy to describe.
  • Logical-intuitive loner. They were organized and unusually independent. People with these Socionic types like to be alone and think deeply, away from loud groups. They like to talk to people they know well. They make sense and are easy to understand. A person with this trait is calm and well-balanced.
  • Extrovert with a sense of ethics. He is a manipulator who knows how to communicate his ideas and views. He is also selfless and willing to give up his own needs. Efficient, friendly, busy.
  • Introvert with a sense of ethics. Often look at their actions and the actions of others and analyze them. He knows how to talk about his ideas and beliefs in a kind but firm way.
  • Morally sensitive and outgoing. Too passionate, showy, and busy with their hands. They have special skills and can easily tell when someone is lying or not telling the truth.
  • Introvert with moral intuition. The most important thing for this type is to trust people. He subtly feels other people and likes to study and read. People like this usually become teachers, coaches, or trainers.
  • Extrovert with a sense of logic. The main goal of this kind of person is to win at any cost. This is your Socionic type if you like to be in charge, win, look at any situation from a business perspective, and make money from it. After making a specific action plan, you stick to it without giving up.
  • Introvert who prefers to be alone. If the word "sensory" is first, it means that the main way to learn about the world around you is through your senses. People like engineers, builders, masons, and carpenters love to work with their hands. The way people think is logical and scientific.
  • Sensitive and moral personality. Melancholy, by nature, or likes to seem that way to them, even though it's not true. I would rather lead than be led. He picks friends who aren't as strong so that he can seem more interesting and unique. They say that it's not clear what's going through his thoughts. Even in his family, where he is close to everyone, he likes to keep his space.
  • Sensory-ethical introvert or the so-called Dumas, after the name of a writer. He is easy to talk to and understand, and he never gets into fights. At the same time, he knows how to joke around and have fun to the best of his ability. She often joins charity groups because she wants to be wanted and help older adults cross the street.
  • Intuitive-logical extrovert. You are this type if you have a lot of different ideas and hobbies and can easily adjust to new situations or a new place of work. You are a living idea machine if you are always coming up with new ideas, don't like routine, and can explain any complicated job.
  • Intuitive-logical loner. Intuitive-logical loner, or Balzac, a great intellectual who read a lot. If you like to think about everything and measure it seven times before you cut it off, this is the one for you. People like this are careful and clean and love comfort at home and in their everyday lives. Balzac cares about other people and thinks family is important.
  • Extrovert who is intuitive and moral. People with these Socionic types are born with ideas and skills. People with well-organized minds become artists, writers, and people who love any artistic work. This is your type if you hate habits and are bored. You get along well with other people and can find a way to talk to them with just a half-word.
  • Introvert who is intuitive and moral. Dreamers with style. This is the kind of person you are if you write poems, love poetry, and spend a lot of time thinking. The Socionic type also knows a lot about people, meets them through their clothes, cares a lot about how they look, and is a spender and a spendthrift, but likes people and especially loves people of the opposite sex. He uses his gift for his purposes.

How to make a Socionics test using surveys

Before making an accurate and useful Socionics test, you'll need to learn much about Socionics. The questions must be asked with specific wording, question types, and meanings. If you don't want to send people to a Socionics website, you can make the questions into a poll instead. Still, it would help if you also thought about how to look at the results properly.

Socionic survey questions

Socionics tests use different kinds of questions. Multiple-choice questions, rating scales, and other closed questions are often used. People are sometimes asked to look at a big grid of words and pick the ones that best describe them. Some examples of Socionic poll questions are as follows:

What is your gender?

  • Male
  • Female
  • Other (Please enter)

When did you get here?

  • Dates on a slider from 1940 to 2020

Please pick the term that describes you the best:

  • I am sensitive to people, their connections, and how they feel.
  • I pay attention to reasoning, facts, and understanding.

Please pick the term that describes you the best:

  • I have trouble remembering things and paying attention to them.
  • I have trouble understanding ideas that aren't concrete or can't be seen.

Use the tool to show your position:

  • Slider for the individual to show how close the results are to what they were looking for:
  • I base my choices and opinions on facts and knowledge that is not biased.
  • When making choices or coming to conclusions, I go with my gut.

Which statement describes you best?

  • You think rationally, develop systems and structures, make groups, and develop general rules and principles that you can use in a wide range of fields.
  • You base your choices on what you know and what you've seen. You are interested in how things work and how well they work for their original purpose.

Which kind of behavior do you like most in a partner but have trouble doing yourself?

  • Someone who can help you determine what psychological differences mean and how strong or weak a friendship is.
  • A person who can help you let your feelings show and who can make the emotional situation better all around.

Which statement best describes you?

  • I feel better when I have to work fast without stopping or going backward.

Which sentence best describes you?

  • I can work steadily, but my energy goes up and down occasionally.

Which of these things about you is true?

  • I can inform a lot about a person by looking at their face or listening to how they speak.
  • I only use papers and things that can't be changed to judge people.
  • To make a test that gives correct answers, you need to know a lot about Socionics. By making a copy of a current test in SurveyMonkey, you can collect information about the people who take it. But you need to know Socionics to rate the results and give them marks.

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