Sigmund Freud - ISTJ

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Key ISTJ Characteristics

ISTJs are hardworking, diligent people who are steady and do not cut corners in their work. They are calm and collected, and always plan before they act. They are seen as honor students because they rarely make mistakes and follow rules to the letter. People trust ISTJs because they are realistic, emphasize stability, and have a strong sense of responsibility. Because of this, the ISTJ personality type is also known as the Logistician personality type. They prefer to be left to their own devices and are not good team players. They may be thought of as uninteresting because they are not good at speaking, have difficulty expressing their feelings, or do not like creative ideas. ISTJs should take care not to damage their relationships by being harsh with others.

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Historical Figures Edition
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ISTJ Strengths and Weaknesses

ISTJ Strengths and Weaknesses

(+) Strengths

  • Systematic
  • Focused
  • Methodical
  • Good at logical thinking
  • Does not lie
  • Calm and collected
  • Rarely makes mistakes
  • Patient
  • Does not cut corners
  • Disciplined
  • Responsible
  • Earnest
  • Has a good memory
  • Trusted by others

(-) Weaknesses

  • Rigidly adhere to rules
  • Hold themselves back too much
  • Reserved and reticent
  • Poor at expressing feelings
  • Poor at understanding other people's feelings
  • Poor at thinking out of the box
  • Too hard on themselves and others
  • Worry unnecessarily
  • Not a good team player
  • Stubborn
  • Inflexible
  • Not comfortable with new things
  • Vulnerable to change
  • Too focused on minor details

ISTJ Careers

ISTJ Careers

(+) Suitable Work Style

  • Jobs involving routine tasks
  • Workplaces where rules and regulations are important
  • Workplaces where little communication is required
  • Jobs involving steady and methodical tasks
  • Jobs where they can take time to think in detail

(+) Suitable Jobs

  • Engineer
  • Analyst
  • Pharmacist
  • Quality Control Manager
  • Driver
  • Civil Servant
  • Police Officer
  • Machine Operator
  • Actuary
  • Craftsman
  • Maintenance Technician
  • Farmer
  • Manager
  • Accountant

(-) Unsuitable Work Style

  • Workplaces where frequent communication with people is required
  • Workplaces where frequent collaborative team work is required
  • Workplaces where creative thinking required
  • Workplaces where adaptability is required due to frequent change
  • Workplaces with a lack of discipline, with many people not following rules

(-) Unsuitable Jobs

  • Content Creator
  • Salesperson
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Journalist
  • Receptionist
  • Caregiver
  • Sales Manager
  • Event Planner
  • Photographer
  • Hairdresser
  • Kindergarten Teacher
  • Artist
  • Designer
  • Actor/Actress
16 Personality Types Test
Historical Figures Edition
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  • ISTJs are not good at communicating their feelings and find it difficult to approach others.
  • ISTJs are single-minded in relationships,never cheat,and never betray their partners.
  • ISTJs like intelligent people with whom they can have intellectual conversations.
  • ISTJs may come off as too serious,causing others to think that they are boring and reject them as a result.
  • ISTJs are devoted to their partners and treasure their families after marriage.
  • ISTJs are inconsiderate and do not understand feelings,which can be frustrating.
  • ISTJs are more popular when they are of marriageable age because they are solid and give off a sense of stability.

ISTJ Common Things

ISTJ Common Things
  • ISTJs are not good at expressing emotions,so others often don't know what they are thinking.
  • ISTJs have a small social circle and tend to spend time with a select few people who they are close with.
  • ISTJs feel a lot of stress when unexpected things occur.
  • ISTJs spend a lot of time on something they are obsessed with.
  • ISTJs tend to be too busy with the present to think about the future.
  • ISTJs tend to harshly criticize colleagues who make mistakes in their work.
  • ISTJs are cautious and spend too much time analyzing and examining before acting.

Personality Type Percentages

Personality Type Percentages
1INFPVincent van Gogh13%
2ENFPAnne Frank11%
4INTPAlbert Einstein8%
6ESFJAndrew Carnegie7%
7ISFJMother Teresa7%
8ESFPMarie Antoinette6%
9ENTPThomas Edison6%
10ENFJJoan of Arc5%
11ISTJSigmund Freud★4%
13INTJLeonardo da Vinci4%
14ESTJGeorge Washington3%

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Historical Figures Edition
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ISTJ: Sigmund Freud Type (Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judgment)

The scientific knowledge of personality types can assist you in discovering more about yourself and others. For instance, knowing the personality of loved ones, family members, coworkers, and other important people can assist you in comprehending their behaviors, what motivates them, and how to better communicate with them.

The ISTJ personality type is the most common type for men and one of the most common types in the population. You likely talk to one often, even if you aren't an ISTJ. So, it's helpful for everyone to know what an ISTJ is like and its strengths and weaknesses.

What is an ISTJ personality?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was the first to identify 16 personality types (MBTI). In the 1960s, American writers Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers developed the MBTI.

Based on Carl Jung's ideas about psychology, the MBTI quickly became an important tool in education and organizational psychology because it gives a good picture of how happy and productive people are at work. The MBTI types also match up well with other personality theories, so the acronyms are utilized in various personality systems.


The I in ISTJ needs to stand for introversion, which shows where your focus and energy come from. More introverted people focus on their thoughts, ideas, images, and reactions. They often find being around many people tiring and stressful, and they prefer to be alone or with a small group of close friends. They usually think about what they will say and do before they say or do it.


The "S" in ISTJ stands for "sensing," which shows how you like to learn new things. Sensing people have paid attention to the real world and the information they get from seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting.

They remember facts and experiences, and instead of ideas and theories, they focus on practical details and useful information. They learn by doing, and the things they remember best are the ones they have done themselves.


The "T" in ISTJ stands for "thinking," which is how you decide what to do. Instead of focusing on changing situations and different points of view, a person who thinks looks for underlying truths and universal principles. When making decisions, they try to be objective and logical and not let their feelings or the feelings of others affect them. They care that their values are always the same.


The "J" in ISTJ stands for "judge," which is how you want others to see you. A person who is good at judging has a well-planned and organized life. They are good at making lists, and schedules, and meeting deadlines. Because of this, they feel better when choices are made, and plans are set. They also like to keep their lives organized and under control.

"The Inspector" is the name for the ISTJ personality type. An ISTJ is practical, organized, and quiet. They care about loyalty and tradition and put more faith in actions than words. The ISTJ is the only personality type that is as determined as it is. They never give up once they decide to do something.

They pay attention to what's going on around them and pay attention to the details. They also have a strong ability to stay focused and consistent with daily activities and commitments, which helps them reach even difficult goals. The ISTJ personality type is one of the most common in America, making up 11–14% of the population.

However, 14–19% of men are ISTJs, making it the most common personality type among men. The most famous ISTJ in history is the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, who is a fictional character. But Queen Elizabeth II, Robert De Niro, George Washington, and Sigmund Freud are all other well-known ISTJs.

What do ISTJs do in the workplace?

Employers can get a lot out of ISTJs because they are often very productive. People with ISTJ personalities tend to be reliable, focused, careful, and goal-oriented, which most employers might like.

They also like things to be organized and stable and feel most at ease in well-organized places. They work better independently, but when put in teams, they can work well together to reach shared goals as long as their roles are clear and their teammates are reliable.

What are the things ISTJs like to do at work?

Excel excels with budget-related tasks: They can often handle jobs that entail data analysis and number crunching. If you want an ISTJ to do well, you might want to give them responsibility for budgets and other financial tasks. Most people with the ISTJ personality type find it easy to do these things.

Handle project management tasks very well: People with the ISTJ personality type also find it easy to handle tasks that require organization and careful planning. This makes them the best candidates for project management roles. Since they are reliable and know how to meet tight deadlines, they can usually handle projects easily and quickly.

Excellent at assuring compliance: ISTJs are adept at managing projects and people. They think that rules and order are necessary for productivity and efficiency, so it's simple for them to make sure that everyone else follows the rules and processes of the company.

ISTJ Personality Strengths

Sincerity and honesty

With an ISTJ, you always know where you stand. Because they are sure of themselves and have strong values, they don't want to be vague, lie, or try to trick other people. They would rather straightforwardly talk to you.

Dependable and Responsible

An ISTJ keeps its promises and does what it says it will do. They are very dedicated and have a strong sense of duty, so you can always count on them to do what they say they will.


The ISTJ is the only personality type that is as determined as it is. They never give up once they decide to do something.

Organized and well-structured

The ISTJ likes things to stay calm and in order. They are very good at making long-term plans, keeping things in order, and doing everything they say they will do. An ISTJ might make a list and check it twice.

Ability to Learn and Develop

Even though this mix of traits might make the ISTJ seem stubborn or resistant to change, they are very open to learning new things. They may also take classes, try out new skills, and ask interesting questions throughout their lives because they like to learn things for themselves. So, they learn many different skills and facts and are always eager to learn more.

ISTJ Personality Weaknesses


The ISTJ's famous openness and honesty in communication can also be cold, blunt, and lacking in tact. Since they aren't particularly emotionally sensitive, they tend to underestimate other people's sensitivity and accidentally hurt their feelings.

Rigidity and Stubbornness

The truth is the truth for an ISTJ. Even though they are open to new information changing their minds, they are not easily swayed by feelings, opinions, or points of view. Their insistence on sticking to their point of view can make them hard and stiff, and they often won't change their minds about even the smallest things.


The ISTJ is critical, but that's not always a bad thing. Because their opinions are based on facts and information, they are usually right and should be supported. But one's stubbornness can make it hard for one to change their mind, even when they are wrong.

Feelings of guilt and loneliness

An ISTJ can feel like the whole world is on their shoulders because they work hard and are responsible. Sadly, this means they often blame themselves once things go wrong, even if it wasn't their fault. This strong sense of duty and accountability can make the ISTJ feel guilty and alone because they have difficulty sharing their problems or asking for help when needed.

Because this type is so common, we probably all know at least one ISTJ, even if we aren't one ourselves. They are quiet, loyal, smart, strong-willed, and very good at getting things done. But unfortunately, they also start taking on too much obligation and don't trust others to help and support them enough.

Their bluntness and shyness can make them feel alone like they don't have many close friends, even though they are very loyal to the people they care deeply about. The fact that ISTJs are judgmental isn't always a bad thing. Because their opinions are based on information and facts, they are often right and should be supported.

The Inspector is a consistent and persistent person, which helps them reach almost any goal they set for themselves and opens up a wide range of professional life and work options. In general, an ISTJ will feel less at ease in a field that involves many outgoing feelings, such as working with children, being an art or design director or teacher, or doing a lot of front-line service work.

  • Lawyer or paralegal
  • Statistician or actuary
  • athletic official or referee
  • Programmer or developer
  • Bookkeeper, accountant, or auditor
  • Law enforcement, the military, or security
  • Engineers, scientists, and technicians of all kinds
  • Mechanics and repair for electronics, cars, or planes
  • Jewelry maker, woodworker, quality assurance, quality control, or inspection

For an ISTJ to grow, they must care for themselves and understand their feelings. But how they naturally show love and care doesn't always lead to a strong support system, even though they spend all their time doing things for other people and never talking about themselves.


The Inspector is a good friend, a good coworker, and a great source of steady support. They can also be stubborn, hard, and set in their ways. But ISTJ will be happier and healthier if they take the time to care about themselves and use their hard work to improve their emotional intelligence.

Check out our quick guide to an MBTI-type system to learn more about ISTJs and the other 16 personality types. If you don't know what kind of person you are, check out our list of the best online personality tests to learn more about your weaknesses and strengths.