Nightingale - INFJ

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Key INFJ Characteristics

People with the INFJ personality type, also known as the Advocate personality type, are idealists with a strong sense of integrity and responsibility. They are always eager to do something for those around them, to the extent that they neglect themselves in favor of helping others. INFJs are quiet, shy, and come off as reserved, but they are secretly passionate people. They prefer to think carefully about and work on one thing at a time, rather than working on several things at the same time. When a problem arises, they find a unique solution and solve the problem in a way that takes everyone by surprise. They tend to become aggressive in trying to realize their own ideals, and they can be stubborn and inflexible in their opinions. They can also become too obsessed with something that they burn out and become extremely stressed.

16 Personality Types Test
Historical Figures Edition
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INFJ Strengths and Weaknesses

INFJ Strengths and Weaknesses

(+) Strengths

  • Hold strong convictions
  • Can read the mood
  • Polite and respectful
  • Dedicated to others
  • Have keen insight
  • Believe in and act on possibilities
  • Take a long term view on things
  • Calm
  • Have common sense
  • Passionate
  • Expressive
  • Do not forget their original intentions
  • Able to identify wrongdoing
  • Have a developed aesthetic sense

(-) Weaknesses

  • Secretive
  • Passive
  • Credulous
  • Paranoid
  • Neurotic
  • Sensitive to what others think of them
  • Not competitive
  • Stubborn
  • Keep others at arm's length
  • Negative
  • Keep chasing their ideals
  • Do not open up to others
  • Scary when they get angry
  • Emotional

INFJ Careers

INFJ Careers

(+) Suitable Work Style

  • Workplaces that allow them time to think carefully on their own
  • Jobs that involve creativity
  • Jobs where they can spend time with people on a one-on-one basis
  • Jobs where they are free to set their own working hours
  • Jobs where you can work for the benefit of others

(+) Suitable Jobs

  • Caregiver
  • Care Manager
  • Psychological Counselor
  • Nurse
  • Firefighter
  • Illustrator
  • YouTuber
  • Web Designer
  • Novelist
  • Cartoonist
  • Musician
  • Researcher
  • University Professor
  • Curator

(-) Unsuitable Work Style

  • Workplaces where large groups of people work together
  • Workplaces where they have to listen to many people's opinions
  • Jobs with rigid working hours
  • Jobs where they cannot make use of their own thoughts and ideas
  • Workplaces where they are too close to other people

(-) Unsuitable Jobs

  • Engineer
  • Salesperson
  • Waitstaff
  • Civil Servant
  • Accountant
  • Elementary School Teacher
  • Junior High School Teacher
  • Paramedic
  • Physical Therapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Sales Associate
  • Marketer
  • Customer Support Representative
  • Receptionist
16 Personality Types Test
Historical Figures Edition
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  • INFJs are single-minded and have feelings for the person they love for a long time.
  • INFJs are passionate and go straight for it once they fall in love.
  • INFJs act with their partners in mind and will not hurt them.
  • INFJs are good at listening to the person they love, and they may tell INFJs anything.
  • INFJs will not cheat on their partner and will not allow their partner to cheat on them.
  • INFJs work to forge their ideal relationship and put effort into improving themselves, etc..
  • INFJs are willing to do anything for their partners.

INFJ Common Things

INFJ Common Things
  • INFJs are often described as weird, airheads, or as comforting presences.
  • INFJs always make sure to reserve some time for themselves, and they can't take not having alone time.
  • INFJs lose sight of what they want to do because they put others before themselves.
  • When INFJs decide to do something, they stick with it.
  • INFJs can quickly judge what kind of relationships are being built in a new environment.
  • INFJs seldom change their minds.
  • INFJs' tendency to take things at their own pace is frequently pointed out by others.

Personality Type Percentages

Personality Type Percentages
1INFPVincent van Gogh13%
2ENFPAnne Frank11%
4INTPAlbert Einstein8%
6ESFJAndrew Carnegie7%
7ISFJMother Teresa7%
8ESFPMarie Antoinette6%
9ENTPThomas Edison6%
10ENFJJoan of Arc5%
11ISTJSigmund Freud4%
13INTJLeonardo da Vinci4%
14ESTJGeorge Washington3%

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16 Personality Types Test
Historical Figures Edition
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INFJ: Nightingale Type (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging)

The INFJ personality type on the Myers-Briggs test is one of the rarest. Only 1-3% of people have this personality type. They are creative, strong-willed, caring, and sensitive people who want to improve the world. They often would do anything for their close friends, but it takes them a long time to warm up to new people.

Keep reading if you are not an INFJ. Especially when putting together a team, it can be helpful to know about different personality types. Continue reading to discover jobs that may be a good fit for just an INFJ personality type, career routes that may be appealing to INFJs, and some of the most intriguing INFJ career matches.

What is an INFJ?

INFJ is an acronym for the Myers-Briggs personality type of people who are shy, intuitive, feeling, and judge. People often say that INFJ is the rarest personality type that Myers and Briggs describe. People with the INFJ personality type often are called advocates because they have a strong sense of right and wrong and a thoughtful tendency forward into humanism.

INFJs are usually idealists with a strong sense of morality. This gives them a sense of predetermined life's mission, such as helping others deal with unfairness, hardship, and injustice through philanthropic work. INFJs may seem quiet and shy from the outside, but they can switch between shy and outgoing.

INFJs speak strongly and passionately about certain topics, especially when standing up for others or defending their beliefs. INFJs also have a level of tenderness that lets them communicate with care by being emotionally honest.

This kind of activity may assist INFJs in making a big impression on the people they meet, leading to deep, genuine relationships. INFJs value these relationships very much and may even put the feelings of others above their own.

Because of this, many INFJs try to improve certain parts of society to give other people more power. This can be hard, especially since INFJs don't always connect emotionally with themselves, leading to high-stress levels and burnout.

INFJs also think of their efforts to make the world a better place as a personal mission defining their lives. This makes them angry when they face conflict or criticism. Even though INFJs tend to take the world around them too personally, this trait gives them the power to find solutions and change lives.

INFJ Workplace Strengths

INFJs often work well in groups, but when they need to, they can also enjoy working alone. INFJs are often patient and can understand why other people might see things differently than they do. They can listen well, which helps them connect emotionally with people.

Also, they tend to like small groups or even each relationship more than big groups. They often prefer to work with one person at a time, which makes them great mentors and teachers. This can help them figure out how to help people at different points in their journey of growth and self-discovery.

INFJ's strengths at work include a strong capacity to relate to others and form deep, good connections. They are also often great at supporting and encouraging others, helping them reach new levels of success. INFJs know how people work just by looking at them.

They might also be good managers because of this trait. They know how to get people to work hard by appealing to their emotions instead of just pushing them toward a goal for money or praise from their peers or bosses if that is their way of feeling appreciated.

INFJ Workplace Weaknesses

INFJs can have trouble with having high standards and a need to be perfect. They can also be too trusting, which makes them easy to fool or trick by people who don't have their best concern at heart. This could be the reason why they like to work alone.

But this choice doesn't always make them happy because it makes it hard to connect emotionally with the people around them. INFJs may avoid conflict because they want everyone to get along and work together. This trait could make them afraid to speak up to keep the peace in a team or at work.

Since they care profoundly about everyone and everything around them and want everyone to get along without prejudice, this may be exhausting and cause tension and worry. So, INFJs should consider a career path where they are less likely to have problems with coworkers or subordinates.

Top INFJ Careers

Many INFJs may be interested in business and law, teaching, graphic design, health insurance, psychology or psychiatry, the sciences, and technical writing. Let's take a look at this list of job ideas for INFJs.

Business & Law

Business can be very competitive, but an INFJ often has what it takes to stand out. They are good at negotiating and have a natural sense of what their clients want and need. They know how to get along with others, making them great negotiators and mediators. This may constitute one of the best-paying jobs for an INFJ.


INFJs are good at teaching, so that could make it among the best fields for them to work in. INFJs deeply understand how people work, which helps them make interesting lessons. They are also often kind, caring people who like to see their students do well.

Graphic Design

An INFJ would do well in graphic design because they have a good sense of design and beauty, can comprehend the big picture, and know how their parts fit together. INFJs like to see their ideas come to life, so this may be a good field for them.


INFJs often do well in healthcare jobs because they are creative and want to help people and improve the world. They work well as a team and like to work independently when they have to. They can relate to others on an emotional level because of how intuitive they are.

Care For Mental Health

INFJs can do well in psychology, psychiatry, and other mental health jobs because they naturally appreciate human beings and how people think. They often like to help people be the best versions of themselves by encouraging them to get through emotional problems and live happier lives.


INFJs are creative and want to know how things work in the world. They like to figure out and control complicated systems, which makes them wonderful scientists and researchers.

Technical Writing

INFJs pay close attention to details, which can help them make documentation that makes their team more productive. INFJs are often also great at explaining complicated ideas clearly and concisely. For some INFJs, this makes technical writing a perfect fit.

Jobs INFJs Should Avoid

People with the INFJ personality type may want to avoid these jobs for one or more reasons.

  • Accounting and Money
  • Technician in Engineering
  • Military & Police
  • Sales

They don't cover everything, and since everyone is different, there are always exceptions.

INFJS Working In A Team

Many INFJs do best in small teams with less chance of conflict and where people don't try to outdo each other. They often prefer to work independently and enjoy coming up with ideas with people who see or think about things differently than they do. This can assist them in seeing new options or ways to solve problems they might not have thought of before.

They don't like office politics, so supervisors shouldn't put them in situations where they must play partisan politics to get ahead. This behavior might stress someone with a sensitive personality, making them want to pull back and not be their best or offer their best ideas.

Some INFJs can get too stressed and anxious, so they might need to take breaks during the day. Some INFJs do well when they have a clear list of tasks and open communication with project leaders about how the project is going. This type often needs time away from work to relax, refuel, and return to what makes them happy outside of work.

INFJS As Leaders

They can often see the big picture and recognize how others feel. This helps them figure out what motivates people, how to talk to them best, and how to connect with them personally to get the most out of their team. They are also good at getting things done and have a strong sense of right and wrong, making them trustworthy as leaders in any company.

This personality type tends to be a visionary who can set long-term objectives for oneself and others while adapting to shifting priorities. They don't like office politics, so they won't play games and will make decisions based on what's right instead of what's best for them.

INFJ Career Statistics

INFJs are the least common personality type in the workforce since only 1-3% of the population comprises them. They are sometimes overrepresented in management positions because, once they find a job where they are less likely to have problems with coworkers or subordinates, they often move up quickly in the company.

INFJs usually have good communication skills and want everyone to feel heard and respected. This makes them good managers who know how to get their teams to work together toward a common goal. They like growing as people and helping other people.

Because they are shy, they are very good at listening. Because of this, counseling, therapy, and psychology are good fields for INFJs to work in. People with this personality type tend to be shy, so jobs that involve writing and research can work well for them.

Lastly, INFJs are great creative storytellers who can think outside the box. This means they could do very well in the entertainment business. INFJs are kind, creative, and willing to help others. When you put them in situations where they can do well, they usually do because they have natural skills and strong personalities.


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test identifies sixteen personality types. The INFJ is one of them. People with this personality type often are called idealists who want to do what's right because it's right. INFJs think a lot about themselves and clearly understand intuition and insight. This kind of person would also be an excellent lead in a book or movie.