Mother Teresa - ISFJ

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Key ISFJ Characteristics

People with the ISFJ personality type, also known as the Guardian personality type, are dedicated and kind with a strong sense of responsibility, and tend to be supportive of others. They enjoy helping others and are willing to put in the effort to do so even if it does not benefit themselves. However, they don't insist on doing so; they are considerate individuals who tend to quietly remain behind the scene. Although ISFJs are introverts who value their alone time, they are sensitive to the emotions of people around them, can read the mood, and are good communicators. Sometimes they may put others before themselves and end up overburdening themselves before they realize it. ISTJs need to be careful not to take on too much, as they tend to find it difficult to turn others down or to share their burdens with others. They prefer to follow set routines rather than take the initiative to adopt change.

16 Personality Types Test
Historical Figures Edition
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ISFJ Strengths and Weaknesses

ISFJ Strengths and Weaknesses

(+) Strengths

  • Compassionate
  • Responsible
  • Loyal
  • Earnest
  • Good at supporting others
  • Strives to help others
  • Able to read the mood
  • Observant
  • Can coexist harmoniously with others
  • Modest and humble
  • Hardworking
  • Thoughtful
  • Prudent
  • Methodical

(-) Weaknesses

  • Too nice
  • Not good at saying no
  • Tend to take on too much
  • Try too hard
  • Overthink things
  • Prioritize others over themselves
  • Do not ask others for help
  • Worry too much
  • Care too much about others
  • Try too hard to adjust to their surroundings
  • Not assertive enough
  • Tend to be underappreciated
  • Not proactive enough
  • Inflexible

ISFJ Careers

ISFJ Careers

(+) Suitable Work Style

  • Jobs where they can work behind the scenes to support those around them
  • Jobs that make others happy
  • Tasks that are done in a steady fashion
  • Workplaces where they can work as an intermediary to create a harmonious atmosphere
  • Workplaces where they can work remotely without cutting corners even if left alone

(+) Suitable Jobs

  • Human Resources Specialist
  • Office Administrator
  • Accountant
  • Clerk
  • Secretary
  • Sales Assistant
  • Caregiver
  • Care Manager
  • Social Worker
  • Healthcare Worker
  • Elementary School Teacher
  • Librarian
  • Video Editor
  • Archivist

(-) Unsuitable Work Style

  • Jobs where they feel they aren't helping others
  • Jobs with many irregular tasks
  • Jobs that do not allow time for preparation and finalization
  • Workplaces that do not allow for alone time
  • Workplaces that are noisy and restless

(-) Unsuitable Jobs

  • President
  • University Professor
  • Sales Associate
  • Salesperson
  • Researcher
  • Engineer
  • Business Consultant
  • Analyst
  • Insurance Agent
  • Waitstaff
  • Flight Attendant
  • Tour Guide
  • Event Staff
  • Trader
16 Personality Types Test
Historical Figures Edition
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  • ISFJs take relationships seriously and want partners that they can trust from the bottom of their heart.
  • ISFJs are considerate and prefer to support others rather than be supported.
  • ISFJs tend to prefer calm and gentle people to those with strong temperaments.
  • ISFJs act cautiously even when they are in romantic relationships.
  • ISFJs are unlikely to make proactive approaches on their own.
  • ISFJs often find it hard to let go of past relationships.
  • ISFJs tend to refrain from speaking their mind because they dislike confrontation.

ISFJ Common Things

ISFJ Common Things
  • ISFJs want to help people in need no matter the circumstances.
  • ISFJs will take on requests even if they are busy and pushed for time.
  • ISFJs do not like to deviate from set routines.
  • ISFJs can tire themselves out by caring too much about others.
  • ISFJs will play down how tired they are when asked,even if they're exhausted.
  • ISFJs have a hard time moving on from criticism of themselves.
  • ISFJs can become stressed out when they don't get enough alone time.

Personality Type Percentages

Personality Type Percentages
1INFPVincent van Gogh13%
2ENFPAnne Frank11%
4INTPAlbert Einstein8%
6ESFJAndrew Carnegie7%
7ISFJMother Teresa★7%
8ESFPMarie Antoinette6%
9ENTPThomas Edison6%
10ENFJJoan of Arc5%
11ISTJSigmund Freud4%
13INTJLeonardo da Vinci4%
14ESTJGeorge Washington3%

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16 Personality Types Test
Historical Figures Edition
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ISFJ: Mother Teresa Type (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging

People can be put into 16 types based on how they prefer to learn, think, and act. These types can be studied and understood to help people better understand and communicate with each other.

The ISFJ personality type is hot, caring, responsible, and capable of working quietly to get things done. They love and support each other without asking for anything and are very loyal. Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of the ISFJ personality type, which keeps the world going.

What is an ISFJ personality type?

In the MBTI personality type system, each personality type is shown by a 4-letter acronym. This acronym is now used in many other personality theories, like the Keirsey Temperament Sorter. Some of the words used in the MBTI, like "sensing" and "judging," can be hard to understand.

The MBTI uses these words slightly differently than usual in English. Sensing means people learn from things they see, smell, touch, taste, and hear. It is in contrast to someone who learns by words, concepts, symbols, and abstractions.

A sensing person understands history through words and concepts, while an intuitive individual learns how to weld utilizing a welder. These terms just describe a person's preferred way of learning. Judging describes someone who wants to look decisive and organized, so they make lists and schedules and stick to their plans.

On the other hand, a perceiving person likes to seem open, casual, and flexible. They don't plan their time as much and are more spontaneous. It's important to remember that this attitude isn't always how a person feels inside; it's more about how they act around others.

The MBTI has its ways of using these words, which can sometimes be confusing or give the wrong impression. Because of these things, some personality-type systems will keep the acronyms but change the terms a little. Let's take a closer look at ISFJ in particular:


The I in ISFJ remains for introversion, which shows where people prefer to focus their attention and energy. Introverts tend to be more interested in their thoughts, emotions, and ideas. Before they speak or act, they take time to think and plan. They like to do things alone or with just one or two close friends. Large groups can be tiring for them.


The "S" in ISFJ stands for "sensing," which describes how you like to learn new things. As was said above, a sensing person cares about things right in front of them and information they can get from their senses.

Their attention to detail makes them great employees for jobs requiring a lot of attention. They are also likely to make a great friend who can help you practically and emotionally. They pay attention to facts and details and learn best by doing things themselves. They like it when information is useful and focuses on practical solutions.


The F in ISFJ stands for feeling, which is how you like to make decisions. A person with a feeling personality type seeks choices that bring people together and help them get along. They think about all the different points of view and feelings in a situation and try to find a good solution. They talk to each other with kindness and tact and think about what's best for everyone.


The "J" in ISFJ stands for "judging," which is how you act around others. As was already said, a person who is quick to judge likes to have a planned and organized life where things are in order and under control. They are adept at creating plans and lists, making clear decisions, and getting themselves organized to meet deadlines and reach goals.

The ISFJ is known as "The Protector" because of this mix of qualities. They are great carers, balancing sympathy and practicality to help those they care about. They are loyal and trustworthy. In their personal and professional lives, they follow traditions and customs and work to keep society going.

They are very aware of their responsibilities and work hard to meet them. The ISFJ is a good friend because they are warm, caring, hardworking, and careful. They will drive you to the airport, recollect your birthday, and care for you when you are sick. Without them, the world would fall apart.

The ISFJ is among the most common personality types, with 9–14% of the population and 15-20% of American women having this type. Clara Barton, who started the American Red Cross, and Rosa Parks, a famous civil rights activist. And Mother Teresa, who helped people in need, is a famous woman with an ISFJ personality type.

ISFJ Personality Strengths


The ISFJ doesn't get caught up in big fantasies or vague wishes about how things should be. Instead, they focus on what they can do in the real world to improve things. They don't spend much time discussing vague ideas without a clear action plan that gets things done.

Loyal and constant

An ISFJ is very loyal to the people, cultures, traditions, and institutions they care about. They like the way things are and don't want to change anything. So, they keep their promises, meet their expectations, and stand by what they believe.


The ISFJ has a very warm and caring personality. They want the people they care about to be happy and successful, but they will also leave their way not to hurt the feelings of people they don't know. They are kind, considerate, and honest.


The ISFJ is very hardworking because they are loyal and realistic. They will focus on caring for those near them, making their company successful, and helping those around them.


The ISFJ is very observant because they pay close attention to details. They pick up on other people's feelings, even if they are nuanced, and pay attention to the little things that make up everyday life. Their attention to detail makes them great employees for jobs requiring a lot of attention. They are also likely to be friends who can help you practically and emotionally.


When an ISFJ is working on a project or doing something for a cause they care about, they can be very passionate and dedicated to it. They will use their many talents and can reach amazing goals if they work hard and don't give up.

The ISFJ Personality's Weaknesses

Very sensitive

Because ISFJs are so sensitive and pay close attention, they can sometimes be too sensitive. They might be hurt by a small remark or take something personally when it wasn't meant to be. Because they try so hard to avoid fights and disagreements, criticism can feel like an attack on them.


As you can see, the ISFJ often puts others before themselves. They can give their time, effort, and loyalty to people and groups that don't care about or appreciate them. Most of the time, they don't ask for the credit of those who deserve or the assistance they need.

They can fight against changes needed in the organization or let things get worse until they can't be fixed if they don't want to. When they try to be everything to everyone, they can easily take on too much and work too much.

Reluctant to Change

The ISFJ is the type of person who is the hardest to change. They are so loyal and devoted that they often can't see when things need to change, or bad habits must be broken. So, they may fight against changes needed in the organization or let things get worse until they can't be fixed instead of taking steps to change them.


Because ISFJs are kind and caring, they may care too much about what others think and want. But their quiet, private nature can make them hide their feelings, and their tendency to prevent confrontation can lead to painful situations.

ISFJs at the workplace

ISFJ people pay attention and want to ensure projects and solutions work well for everyone. These people are well-organized and pay close attention to the little things. ISFJs tend to have different ways of communicating depending on the situation.

People with the ISFJ personality type tend to pull back in a stressful or fast-paced work environment, while they thrive in a calmer, slower-paced work environment. People with the ISFJ personality type like to work in low-stress, peaceful environments.

However, their philanthropic side and a desire to protect and help others often lead them into mildly more stressful jobs. ISFJs care most that their company and their coworkers work for the good of their customers. The world will be too hard to handle if they don't change.

Best jobs for ISFJs

ISFJs like meaningful jobs that align with their values and don't require them to do many different things simultaneously. You can be successful in any job, but if you are an ISFJ, the following jobs might be a good fit for you:

Film editor

Film editors edit films for social media posts, film and television projects, commercials, and other video projects that a corporation may need for marketing, media relations, or human resources.

Museum curator

A museum curator's job is to know everything there is to know about the museum's collections. This includes cataloging new items and assisting in setting up new exhibits.

The office manager

Office managers are in charge of detailed projects, trying to coordinate with other employees, trying to manage calendars, travel plans, and events, writing documents, and doing general office work.


Librarians help people do research for different projects, come up with programs for the community, and know what the newest and most famous books are.

IT administrator

IT administrators help end users with technical problems and help keep computer hardware and software in good shape.


This type of person will always be willing to help, and their hard work and attention to detail will ensure that their efforts get concrete results and make a difference. But they also often let people take advantage of them and don't get the credit and admiration they deserve. The ISFJ personality type is similar to the INFJ one and shares many traits.

See our guide to the top online personality tests if you don't know which one to take. When you know your personality type, you can better understand yourself and talk to other people. And make sure you love the ISFJs in your life. If you are an ISFJ, start taking time to love yourself.