For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1Do you like interacting directly with many fans?
Q2Are you good at quiet behind-the-scenes work?
Q3Does being in the spotlight on stage excite you?
Q4Do you think performing in front of a large audience is nerve-wracking?
Q5Are you excited to try new music genres?
Q6Do you prefer practicing familiar songs?
Q7Are you interested in fashion from different cultures?
Q8Do you like traditional performance styles?
Q9Do you always want to stick to the plan during practice?
Q10Do you often improvise singing or dancing on stage?
Q11Do you set goals and work towards them?
Q12Do you prefer a freestyle over strict rules?
Q13Do you want to cherish group harmony?
Q14Are you likely to stick to your own style?
Q15Do you respect other members' opinions and cooperate?
Q16Do you think you are good at solo performances?
Q17Are you easily nervous but turn it into energy?
Q18Do you get easily upset by small mistakes?
Q19Do you think you are calm and composed on stage?
Q20Do emotions affect your performance?