Communication Skills Test - Measure Your Communication Ability

Are you confident in your communication skills? Are you great at conversations and easily connect with people, even when meeting them for the first time? Or do you feel a bit unsure about your abilities? Take this quiz to quickly find out how strong your communication skills really are!

Communication Skills Test - Measure Your Communication Ability


Available Languages
locale - ja Flag
locale - en Flag

Result Types

Comm. Skill Level: 10 (Communication Master)

Communication Level: 10 (Communication Master)

Excels in any communication scenario with refined dialogue that captivates others. Possesses high sensitivity and understanding, forming strong relationships and maintaining them with exceptional influence.
Comm. Skill Level: 9 (Top Host/Hostess)

Communication Level: 9 (Top Host/Hostess)

Possesses advanced communication skills, skillfully navigating conversations with a variety of people. Uses insight and charm to tailor communication and demonstrates emotional empathy to deepen connections.
Comm. Skill Level: 8 (Highly Skilled Communicator)

Communication Level: 8 (Highly Skilled Communicator)

Approachable and quickly forms connections with anyone. Known for bright and humorous communication, naturally building relationships and uplifting communities.
Comm. Skill Level: 7 (Quick-Witted Conversationalist)

Communication Level: 7 (Quick-Witted Conversationalist)

Quickly responds to conversations with appropriate humor and insight, creating engaging and lively dialogues.
Comm. Skill Level: 6 (Chatty)

Communication Level: 6 (Chatty)

Enjoys conversations and introduces many topics, though sometimes interrupts others. Highly energetic and focused more on talking than listening.
Comm. Skill Level: 5 (Reserved)

Communication Level: 5 (Reserved)

Shows a reserved and introverted attitude in social settings. Takes time to build close relationships and lacks confidence in active self-expression.
Comm. Skill Level: 4 (One-Sided Conversations)

Communication Level: 4 (One-Sided Conversations)

Focuses primarily on expressing personal opinions but struggles to listen to others. Tends to dominate conversations and misses emotional cues.
Comm. Skill Level: 3 (Fear of Conversations)

Communication Level: 3 (Fear of Conversations)

Experiences significant anxiety or fear about communicating. Tends to avoid speaking in front of others and limits opportunities for interaction.
Comm. Skill Level: 2 (Distrustful)

Communication Level: 2 (Distrustful)

Dislikes conversations and feels uneasy in social settings. Struggles to follow conversational flow and lacks confidence in forming relationships.
Comm. Skill Level: 1 (Lack of Trust in People)

Communication Level: 1 (Lack of Trust in People)

Demonstrates strong wariness and lack of trust in others. Avoids intimacy and maintains distance as a defensive measure.
Comm. Skill Level: 0 (Dislikes People Altogether)

Communication Level: 0 (Dislikes People Altogether)

Avoids active engagement with others, showing discomfort in social activities. Self-expression is extremely limited, and building relationships is difficult.
Communication Skills Test
Measure Your Communication Ability
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