For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1Do you enjoy conversations with people you don’t know?
Q2Do you often avoid crowded places?
Q3Do you feel excited about meeting new people?
Q4Do you find yourself doubting others often?
Q5Do you prefer group activities over being alone?
Q6Do you feel anxious about talking to someone for the first time?
Q7Do you enjoy talking with others?
Q8Do you feel nervous about starting a conversation?
Q9Can you show genuine interest in what others are saying?
Q10Do you talk about yourself more than you listen to others?
Q11Are you comfortable speaking in front of large groups?
Q12Do you prefer spending time alone?
Q13Are you good at making jokes during conversations?
Q14Do you often choose not to participate in conversations?
Q15Do you have a positive influence on those around you?
Q16Are you hesitant about meeting new people?
Q17Can you build relationships with others quickly?
Q18Are you bad at taking the lead in conversations?
Q19Do you feel confident you can get along with anyone in the world?
Q20Do you sometimes feel nervous when talking to others?