For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I clearly express my opinions in conversations.
Q2I am more comfortable listening than talking a lot myself.
Q3I want to be exposed to things that stimulate my intellectual curiosity.
Q4I prefer to discuss reality rather than talking about things in terms of imagination.
Q5I tend to act without overthinking things.
Q6I like to approach things in a well-prepared and planned manner.
Q7I incorporate the opinions of others and try to adapt accordingly.
Q8I aim for success without choosing means to achieve something.
Q9I sometimes get down predicting possible outcomes.
Q10I can stay calm even in irregular situations.
Q11I prefer being busy with a packed schedule.
Q12I find great joy in daydreaming and fantasizing.
Q13I consider myself serious, adhering to rules and morals.
Q14I am good at listening to others and often provide advice.
Q15I tend to get upset over small matters.