For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I often feel nervous when talking to someone for the first time.
Q2I find it difficult to initiate conversations.
Q3I don’t know what to say during conversations with people I meet for the first time.
Q4I feel excessively nervous when speaking in front of others.
Q5Sometimes, I find it challenging to express my thoughts to others.
Q6I feel anxious in crowded places.
Q7I worry about how I am perceived by others during first encounters.
Q8I feel awkward when there are silences during conversations.
Q9I find it difficult to make eye contact with others.
Q10It takes me time to get used to a new environment.
Q11I struggle to join a group on my own.
Q12I feel uncomfortable in situations where I am introduced to someone.
Q13I tend to be a listener rather than expressing my own opinions.
Q14Introducing myself in front of others feels distressing.
Q15After a conversation with someone new, I worry about whether I spoke well.
Q16I sometimes avoid conversations because I fear running out of topics.
Q17I feel uncomfortable talking to strangers.
Q18Even with people I’ve met several times, I find it hard to gauge the right distance in the relationship.
Q19I find it difficult to participate in conversations involving large groups.
Q20I feel uneasy when invited to gatherings with people I don’t know.