For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I can charm anyone in social settings.
Q2I don't feel guilty when I lie.
Q3I struggle to maintain long-term relationships.
Q4I am fearless.
Q5I sometimes feel empathy for others' situations and want to help.
Q6I sometimes use others to achieve my own goals.
Q7I deeply consider the impact of my actions and decisions on others.
Q8I am articulate and good at deceiving others.
Q9I sometimes disregard social and legal norms.
Q10I have long-term friends.
Q11I can be physically or emotionally abusive.
Q12I rarely make impulse purchases when shopping.
Q13I respect and adhere to legal and social rules.
Q14I value building deep emotional connections with others.
Q15I often face economic and social troubles.
Q16I seldom feel responsible and tend to shift blame onto others.
Q17I do not feel guilty when I hurt others.
Q18I will use any means necessary for my own benefit.
Q19I am excessively obsessed with gaining success and power.
Q20I find it difficult to make long-term plans and often indulge in daily pleasures.