For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q11. I often struggle to find the right words and end up falling silent during conversations.
Q2I can easily keep conversations going by finding appropriate topics.
Q3I feel extremely nervous when talking to people I meet for the first time.
Q4I can naturally start conversations even with strangers.
Q5I find it difficult to make eye contact while talking.
Q6I am good at reading facial expressions and reactions during conversations.
Q7It takes me a long time to understand what others are saying.
Q8I can quickly grasp what others are saying and respond appropriately.
Q9Even when I have something to say, I struggle to express it clearly.
Q10I can confidently express my thoughts and opinions.
Q11I feel very uncomfortable speaking in front of a large group.
Q12I can actively participate in group discussions without hesitation.
Q13I tend to overthink during conversations and end up not being able to speak well.
Q14I can talk naturally without feeling anxious.
Q15I often worry about what to write when communicating via text or email.
Q16I can easily handle text-based communication without much hesitation.
Q17I constantly worry that my words might offend others.
Q18I can confidently share my opinions without fear.
Q19I find it difficult to interact with others and prefer to avoid social situations.
Q20I enjoy interacting with people and actively engage in conversations.