For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I am good at performing detailed tasks accurately.
Q2I tend to be optimistic and don’t dwell too much on my mistakes.
Q3I am eager to learn new knowledge.
Q4I struggle with planning and often act impulsively.
Q5I have a strong sense of responsibility and take my work seriously.
Q6I find repetitive tasks tedious.
Q7I am good at thinking logically and solving problems.
Q8I have difficulty following strict rules and regulations.
Q9I have strong concentration and can work for long hours without making mistakes.
Q10I tend to give up easily when under stress.
Q11I enjoy learning about healthcare and medical topics.
Q12I feel more comfortable working alone than interacting with people.
Q13I listen carefully and can provide appropriate advice.
Q14I prefer to avoid jobs with heavy responsibilities.
Q15I value teamwork and can collaborate well with others.
Q16I dislike taking orders and prefer to work my own way.
Q17I can assess situations calmly and respond accurately.
Q18I get easily flustered in high-pressure situations.
Q19I act cautiously and try to minimize risks.
Q20I would rather avoid jobs that require extensive studying and training.