For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I enjoy trying out new ideas and ways of thinking.
Q2I prefer stability over change.
Q3I have a strong interest in art and literature.
Q4I feel comfortable following a set routine.
Q5I am curious about different cultures and values.
Q6I rely on past successful methods when making decisions.
Q7I actively seek out new hobbies and activities.
Q8I feel more comfortable with a predictable daily routine.
Q9I am interested in abstract topics and philosophical discussions.
Q10I am only interested in things that are practical and useful.
Q11I find it easy to express my thoughts and ideas.
Q12I value traditions and customs.
Q13I enjoy taking on challenges in unfamiliar fields.
Q14I believe it's important to follow established methods and procedures.
Q15I enjoy using my imagination to come up with new ideas.
Q16I feel more comfortable in familiar environments.
Q17I often trust my intuition and inspiration.
Q18I feel secure in environments with clear rules and guidelines.
Q19I enjoy gathering various pieces of information and forming my own opinions.
Q20I feel anxious about trying new things.