For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I enjoy learning more about food and nutrition.
Q2I struggle with following strict rules and manuals.
Q3I am good at planning and organizing tasks.
Q4I dislike doing repetitive, detailed work for long periods.
Q5I enjoy working with others as a team.
Q6I don't pay much attention to hygiene and sanitation.
Q7I am conscious of eating a healthy diet.
Q8I find it difficult to continue monotonous tasks.
Q9I am good at handling precise data.
Q10I tend to be emotional and struggle with making calm decisions.
Q11I find it rewarding to support someone's health.
Q12I strongly prefer working at my own pace and having freedom.
Q13I am good at explaining things in a clear and easy-to-understand way.
Q14I struggle with self-discipline and often have poor time management.
Q15I am meticulous and good at organizing things.
Q16I lose interest quickly and find it hard to stick with the same tasks.
Q17I can accurately understand and follow instructions.
Q18I prefer to avoid jobs with heavy responsibilities.
Q19I enjoy giving advice about food and nutrition.
Q20I am not good at proceeding cautiously and carefully.