For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I often get so absorbed in other things that I lose track of time even when I have plans.
Q2I usually plan my tasks and schedule in advance and follow through efficiently.
Q3I tend to say whatever comes to my mind during conversations with friends.
Q4I carefully consider the flow and context of conversations before speaking.
Q5When shopping, I often forget to buy what I originally planned to get.
Q6I make a shopping list in advance and check it carefully while shopping.
Q7People often describe me as “going at my own pace.”
Q8I am good at observing my surroundings and reading the room.
Q9I often surprise people with little things I do in daily life.
Q10People often tell me that I’m reliable and well-organized.
Q11Sometimes, I unintentionally say things that I didn’t mean to say.
Q12I can analyze things calmly and express myself logically.
Q13I sometimes wonder why I did certain things after the fact.
Q14I usually make plans in advance to avoid mistakes.
Q15I often unintentionally make people around me laugh.
Q16My actions are usually based on clear reasons and purposes.
Q17I often find myself going off track when talking.
Q18I’m good at organizing my thoughts and summarizing key points.
Q19People often tell me that I have a “natural airhead” personality.
Q20I am often regarded as careful and responsible by others.