For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I tend to hide my emotions when talking to others.
Q2People often describe me as calm and composed when they first meet me.
Q3I find it difficult to express my emotions openly.
Q4I only show my true feelings to people I deeply trust.
Q5When I see someone in need, I prefer to help them quietly without drawing attention to myself.
Q6I avoid showing strong emotions in public whenever possible.
Q7I’m better at expressing my feelings through actions rather than words.
Q8I feel confident when making decisions in high-pressure or logical situations.
Q9I would be willing to make personal sacrifices for the people who truly matter to me.
Q10Others have described me as "cool but kind."
Q11It often takes me a while to form deep connections with others.
Q12I hesitate to show emotions like anger or sadness to other people.
Q13I think my way of showing kindness is often subtle or indirect.
Q14Keeping a certain level of distance from others makes me feel more comfortable.
Q15I prefer to communicate my thoughts or feelings through actions rather than verbal expression.
Q16People sometimes describe me as mysterious or hard to read.
Q17I feel most at ease when I’m with people I truly trust.
Q18I find logical conversations more comfortable than emotional discussions.
Q19I have little interest in topics that don’t personally resonate with me.
Q20I like to maintain my own pace when interacting with others.