For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I feel anxious when my partner or friends talk to people of the opposite gender.
Q2I focus on my goals and dreams without worrying about comparisons with others.
Q3I frequently check my partner's social media accounts.
Q4I am satisfied with my life and do not overly interfere with my partner's actions.
Q5I feel lonely when my partner enjoys activities without me.
Q6I enjoy personal growth through new hobbies and activities.
Q7I often suspect infidelity over minor things.
Q8I respect my partner's values and opinions, building a free and trusting relationship.
Q9I always want my partner to prioritize me.
Q10I value my personal time and respect my partner's time as well.
Q11I feel uneasy when my partner takes too long to reply.
Q12I strive to build a relationship based on trust.
Q13I get jealous when my partner talks to their ex.
Q14I focus on my happiness rather than worrying about others.
Q15I feel competitive towards my partner's friends.
Q16I respect my partner's relationships and support them.
Q17I get frustrated when my partner spends time with others.
Q18I enjoy my alone time while maintaining a balanced relationship.
Q19I always want to monitor my partner's actions.
Q20I stay focused on my goals without overly concerning myself with my partner's actions.