For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I am interested in new technologies and trends and actively seek to learn them.
Q2I dislike long hours of desk work and quickly lose focus.
Q3I am good at thinking logically and identifying the root cause of problems.
Q4I struggle with detailed tasks and often lose attention.
Q5I enjoy working alone and concentrating on tasks.
Q6I have little interest in programming or IT systems.
Q7I find problem-solving through trial and error enjoyable.
Q8When I make mistakes, I often move on without reviewing them.
Q9I am comfortable working with numbers and data.
Q10I struggle with schedule management and find it hard to plan ahead.
Q11I do not mind reading manuals and technical specifications.
Q12I prefer working based on intuition rather than structured teamwork.
Q13I like experimenting with new tools and software.
Q14I tend to panic in high-pressure situations.
Q15When I make a mistake, I calmly analyze it and learn from it.
Q16I rely more on intuition than on calculation or logical thinking.
Q17I am good at finding efficient solutions to problems.
Q18I get flustered easily when troubleshooting issues and take a long time to respond.
Q19I enjoy absorbing new knowledge and do not mind continuous learning.
Q20I find it difficult to follow strict rules and prefer working freely.