For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I rarely take an interest in other people's hobbies or favorite things.
Q2I don't feel the desire to help someone when they are in trouble.
Q3I find it difficult to listen to others' stories for a long time.
Q4I prioritize spending time alone over participating in group activities.
Q5I feel that someone being praised has nothing to do with me.
Q6I find it bothersome to listen to others' worries or give advice.
Q7I prioritize asserting my own opinions above everything else.
Q8I have little interest in watching someone else's personal growth.
Q9I am not good at talking to people I've just met.
Q10I am not interested in other people's private matters.
Q11I don't feel jealousy or envy toward others' successes.
Q12I have little interest in the relationships around me.
Q13I can remain indifferent to others' failures.
Q14I am not particularly interested in building long-term friendships.
Q15I don't consider making someone happy with a surprise.
Q16I am not interested in talking about others' dreams or goals.
Q17I don't feel the desire to learn deeply about others' hobbies or skills.
Q18I rarely notice changes in other people's emotions.
Q19I prioritize my own thoughts over referring to others' opinions.
Q20I feel I have few opportunities to express gratitude to others.