For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I feel confident in managing workplace relationships.
Q2I tend to be emotional and struggle to stay calm in difficult situations.
Q3I listen carefully to others and try to understand them.
Q4When under stress, I quickly feel down.
Q5I am good at making fair judgments.
Q6I lack planning skills and often act spontaneously.
Q7I enjoy solving problems as part of a team.
Q8I find it difficult to follow strict rules.
Q9I am responsible and good at carrying out tasks.
Q10I get discouraged easily when criticized, which lowers my motivation.
Q11I can express my opinions while considering others' perspectives.
Q12I often insist on my own opinions.
Q13I respect the opinions and thoughts of my colleagues.
Q14I prefer repetitive tasks and tend to avoid social interactions.
Q15I am good at handling multiple tasks at the same time.
Q16I struggle with making long-term plans.
Q17I think logically and am good at analyzing situations.
Q18I find it difficult to focus on detailed tasks and quickly lose interest.
Q19I can adapt flexibly to different situations.
Q20I prefer to avoid interpersonal coordination and negotiations.