For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I am a perfectionist
Q2People say that I am good at taking care of others
Q3I am the type to work hard to achieve my goals
Q4I am a romantic
Q5I am indecisive and unable to make decisions quickly
Q6I am stability-oriented and unwilling to take risks
Q7I am always looking for fun and stimulation
Q8I am a good leader
Q9I am not good at listening to people
Q10It is important to follow established rules and instructions when working
Q11I cannot say no when asked to do something
Q12I like working in teams rather than individually
Q13I think I have an artistic flair
Q14I am quiet and introverted
Q15I want to be as inconspicuous as possible
Q16I think positively
Q17I am decisive and quick to make up my mind
Q18People say they feel at ease when they are with me
Q19I get annoyed when things are not organized
Q20I am the type to devote myself to others
Q21I prefer to start new things rather than continue things
Q22I prefer to be alone rather than with people
Q23I am good at analysis
Q24I have a skeptical personality
Q25I am social and like events and parties
Q26I welcome challenges
Q27I go at my own pace and rarely get flustered
Q28I have a strong sense of justice and cannot forgive injustice
Q29Competition makes me uncomfortable
Q30People say that I am persuasive when I speak
Q31My emotions are volatile
Q32I am good at looking at things objectively
Q33I have a sense of humor
Q34I have a cheerful and bright personality
Q35I am energetic and active
Q36I do not speak ill of people
Q37Other people's small mistakes and shortcomings bother me
Q38I am sensitive to other people's feelings
Q39I assert my opinion clearly and fearlessly
Q40I do not want to live a mediocre life like everyone else
Q41I am curious and like to learn new knowledge
Q42I am sincere and serious
Q43I do not cave under pressure
Q44I hate to lose
Q45I can get along with anyone
Q46Accuracy is more important than speed in getting things done
Q47I have a strong desire to be loved by others
Q48I want others to think I am a successful person
Q49I responsibly carry out what I am instructed to do
Q50It is easy for me to make enemies