For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I rejoice in others' success as if it were my own.
Q2I cannot help but assist someone in need.
Q3My own success is my top priority.
Q4Achieving my goals is more important to me than helping others.
Q5I often feel that my opinion is the most correct.
Q6I gladly use my time for friends and family.
Q7Winning competitions brings me great joy.
Q8I value others' opinions and feelings.
Q9I find value in accomplishing things cooperatively.
Q10I am happier about my own success than others' success.
Q11I rarely accept advice from others.
Q12I value cooperation over competition.
Q13I appreciate advice from others and strive to utilize it.
Q14I often use time for my own purposes.
Q15I focus more on my own issues than on others' problems.
Q16I sometimes feel superior to the people around me.
Q17I prioritize my desires over those of others.
Q18I find joy in giving in relationships.
Q19I sometimes sacrifice my own needs for someone else.
Q20I am sensitive to others' emotions and considerate of the feelings of those around me.