For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I enjoy starting new projects and ideas.
Q2I find meeting new people enjoyable.
Q3I prefer working in large groups.
Q4I am skilled at following others' instructions to complete tasks.
Q5I prioritize my own ideas over others' opinions.
Q6I enjoy being active in social environments.
Q7I like making detailed plans.
Q8I act with long-term goals in mind.
Q9I am interested in new challenges.
Q10I actively embrace new ideas and proposals.
Q11I am flexible in response to changes.
Q12I often suggest improvements to organizations or processes.
Q13I take action towards my own goals.
Q14I respect others' opinions and advice.
Q15I prefer working in a stable environment.
Q16I enjoy collecting and analyzing data.
Q17I take risks to achieve goals.
Q18I am sensitive to others' emotions.
Q19I responsibly fulfill my role.
Q20I strictly follow rules and procedures.
Q21I sometimes lead and guide others as a leader.
Q22I brighten the group's atmosphere.
Q23I maintain group harmony.
Q24I value recognition for achievements and results.
Q25I often oppose others' opinions.
Q26I value relationships with team members.
Q27I act confidently in social situations.
Q28I suggest improvements to organizations or processes.
Q29I feel competitive.
Q30I am good at creating a positive atmosphere.
Q31I am flexible with my opinions.
Q32I have strong analytical skills and can solve problems logically.
Q33I am proactive in solving problems.
Q34I consider others' needs and feelings.
Q35I foster a sense of unity within the team.
Q36I enjoy making detailed plans and schedules.
Q37I am adept at making significant decisions.
Q38I am interested in new ideas and challenges.
Q39I am good at creating a calm atmosphere.
Q40I follow rules and procedures correctly.
Q41I express my opinions clearly.
Q42I actively participate in events and meetings.
Q43I am skilled at supporting others.
Q44I contribute to the organization's goals.
Q45I assert my will.
Q46I boost the group's morale.
Q47I am proficient at making detailed plans.
Q48I prefer taking on responsibilities.
Q49I enjoy acting towards goals.
Q50I am good at building relationships with others.