For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I don't mind exploiting others.
Q2I can appreciate the success of others.
Q3I don't hesitate to act selfishly.
Q4I am capable of manipulating people.
Q5I can express gratitude towards others.
Q6I don't choose means when pursuing my goals.
Q7It's hard for me to empathize with others' feelings.
Q8I value cooperation and mutual assistance.
Q9I sometimes avoid responsibility.
Q10I cannot ignore others' feelings, even for my own purposes.
Q11I can sometimes behave hypocritically.
Q12I enjoy working as part of a team.
Q13I sometimes prioritize my desires.
Q14I can tolerate others' weaknesses and flaws.
Q15I am good at communicating with others.
Q16I value fairness and justice.
Q17I desire to have power.
Q18I can respect others' perspectives and opinions.
Q19I sometimes shirk responsibility.
Q20I can forgive being betrayed.
Q21Trust in relationships is important to me.
Q22I sometimes use others to achieve my goals.
Q23I am skilled at expressing empathy and compassion.
Q24I can support the success of others.
Q25It's important to adhere to social norms and rules.
Q26I sometimes disregard others' feelings.
Q27I prefer others' happiness over my own desires.
Q28I sometimes take advantage of others' weaknesses.
Q29I consider the needs and wants of others.
Q30I never want to hurt anyone, no matter the circumstances.