For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I can understand and empathize with others' emotions.
Q2I feel others' distress as if it were my own.
Q3I can judge things objectively without being swayed by others' emotions.
Q4I can experience others' joy and sorrow as if they were my own.
Q5I can sense when someone needs help, even if they don't say it.
Q6I am good at understanding someone's feelings by listening to them.
Q7I sometimes manipulate others for my own purposes.
Q8I am willing to deceive people for my own benefit.
Q9I often suggest practical solutions rather than emotional support.
Q10I do not understand people's feelings.
Q11I make decisions based on logic rather than emotions.
Q12I feel guilty about manipulating others.
Q13I do not choose means to achieve my goals.
Q14I sometimes exploit others' weaknesses.
Q15I often act impulsively.
Q16I value honesty and integrity above all else.
Q17I believe deceiving others is absolutely unacceptable.
Q18I prefer to avoid getting deeply involved in others' problems.
Q19I value fairness over my own gain.
Q20I can feel joy in others' successes as my own joy.