For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I enjoy working with children.
Q2I struggle with handling sudden schedule changes and unexpected situations.
Q3I actively listen to others and empathize with their feelings.
Q4I find it difficult to follow detailed tasks and rules.
Q5I am good at working as part of a team.
Q6I quickly get bored with repetitive tasks.
Q7I can notice small changes in my surroundings.
Q8I prefer to avoid jobs with heavy responsibility.
Q9I find fulfillment in supporting children's growth.
Q10I prefer to avoid long hours of standing or physically demanding work.
Q11I can remain calm in stressful situations.
Q12I find it difficult to speak loudly and act energetically.
Q13I am good at collaborating with others to solve problems.
Q14I struggle with planning and tend to act spontaneously.
Q15I enjoy noticing and celebrating small changes in children's development.
Q16I prefer to work in my own way rather than following instructions.
Q17I prioritize my health and take care of my well-being.
Q18I often feel overwhelmed when unexpected problems arise.
Q19I can adapt flexibly to different situations and people.
Q20I prefer working alone whenever possible.