For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I find great fulfillment in helping others.
Q2I tend to be emotional and struggle to stay calm under pressure.
Q3When I see someone in need, I naturally want to help.
Q4I prefer to avoid jobs that require long hours of standing or physical labor.
Q5I am good at considering others' feelings when I act.
Q6I struggle with planning ahead and often act impulsively.
Q7I enjoy communicating with people.
Q8When stressed, I tend to give up easily.
Q9I work well in a team and enjoy cooperating with others.
Q10I have difficulty listening carefully and prefer to keep conversations brief.
Q11I can notice small changes in others.
Q12I find repetitive tasks boring.
Q13I am good at adapting to changing situations.
Q14I dislike taking orders and prefer to do things my own way.
Q15I am responsible and can see tasks through to completion.
Q16I lack confidence in my physical strength and feel burdened by active jobs.
Q17I have no hesitation in working with the elderly or people with disabilities.
Q18I find it difficult to form deep connections with people and prefer working alone.
Q19I can put myself in others' shoes and understand their perspective.
Q20I struggle to follow detailed rules and guidelines.