For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I can clearly express my thoughts and opinions.
Q2I strongly fear failure and tend to avoid risks.
Q3I enjoy taking on new challenges and act quickly.
Q4I feel anxious when faced with unpredictable situations.
Q5I am good at setting goals and planning my actions accordingly.
Q6I tend to lose composure in high-pressure situations.
Q7I trust my judgment and am confident in making decisions.
Q8I easily get influenced by others and struggle to stick to my own opinions.
Q9When problems arise, I quickly come up with solutions and take action.
Q10I tend to overthink things, which often delays my decision-making.
Q11I am good at leading and managing teams.
Q12I often hold back my opinions to avoid conflicts with others.
Q13I excel at analyzing numbers and data to make business decisions.
Q14I sometimes dwell on failures, making it hard to move on to the next step.
Q15Even in difficult situations, I stay positive and persistent.
Q16I tend to be overly affected by criticism and negative feedback.
Q17I can adapt well to fast-changing environments.
Q18My performance declines in long working hours or high-stress environments.
Q19I am confident in negotiation and persuasion, effectively conveying my ideas.
Q20I often rely on others to make decisions rather than deciding on my own.