For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1You are often said to be someone who takes things at your own pace.
Q2You are good at understanding other people's feelings.
Q3You are often perceived as a cold person.
Q4You prioritize data when making decisions.
Q5You do not have trouble multitasking.
Q6You adapt quickly to new environments.
Q7You are distrustful by nature.
Q8You save your favorite food for last.
Q9You are cooperative.
Q10You like spending time alone.
Q11You are described by others as a calm and collected person.
Q12You are mild and gentle by nature.
Q13You tend to show your emotions easily.
Q14When you have something to say, you express it clearly.
Q15You are punctual and are never late.
Q16You tend to be easily influenced by emotions.
Q17You tend to follow existing rules and regulations.
Q18You are excited to go to places you don't know about.
Q19You are not good at talking about yourself.
Q20You are an indoors person who stays home on your days off.
Q21You tend not to worry about minute details.
Q22You have a wide range of interests.
Q23You enjoy fantasizing.
Q24You prioritize feelings over logic.
Q25You are in touch with the latest trends.
Q26You like to take your time thinking things over.
Q27You are more results-oriented than process-oriented.
Q28You have a large social circle and many friends.
Q29You have a poor memory and forget things easily.
Q30You have a strong desire to please others.
Q31You are the type who plans things carefully and proceeds with them.
Q32You think more about the future than the present.
Q33You are indecisive and can't make decisions in a short timespan.
Q34You tend to stick to doing something for a long period of time.
Q35You are good at thinking logically.
Q36You have a sloppy and careless personality.
Q37You are interested in creative work.
Q38You find it hard to get motivated until the last minute.
Q39You tend to focus on others' flaws.
Q40You enjoy change.
Q41You tend to get bored and change what you do from time to time.
Q42You tend to just go with the flow.
Q43You are shy and have a hard time talking to new acquaintances.
Q44You are good at analysis.
Q45You are a traditionalist.
Q46You like being in the spotlight.
Q47You make sure to always meet deadlines.
Q48You are good at getting things done quickly.
Q49You are chatty and talkative.
Q50You prefer documentaries to fantasy movies.