For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I have many friends and often schedule meetings with people.
Q2When making decisions, I prioritize facts and data over intuition.
Q3I am often perceived as a cold person.
Q4I am good at multitasking.
Q5I find it difficult to talk to people I meet for the first time.
Q6I prefer creating new rules rather than following existing ones.
Q7I have a high level of cooperativeness and value harmony.
Q8I strictly adhere to appointment times and deadlines.
Q9I prefer not to stand out in a crowd.
Q10I am interested in jobs that involve coming up with new ideas.
Q11I tend to trust people and sometimes get deceived.
Q12I am the type to plan and progress steadily.
Q13Going to unknown places excites me.
Q14I think about reality before considering the future.
Q15I can handle troubles calmly without becoming emotional.
Q16I tend to procrastinate on things I need to do.