For the following questions, please select the option that you think fits you the best.
Q1I feel happy in crowded places because of my cheerful and lively personality.
Q2I prefer not to be the center of attention and always try to behave inconspicuously.
Q3I am excited about trying new things.
Q4I value tangible reality more than intangible possibilities.
Q5Once I commit to something, I always see it through to the end.
Q6I consider myself someone who makes quick decisions without overthinking.
Q7I believe that teamwork is always essential for achieving goals.
Q8I am more concerned with others' weaknesses than their strengths.
Q9I am able to respond quickly and effectively to trouble.
Q10I maintain a positive outlook and don't dwell too much on worries.
Q11I can easily converse with people I meet for the first time without feeling hesitant.
Q12I have sharp insight and a knack for understanding the essence of things.
Q13I prefer to start with and complete smaller tasks first.
Q14I can understand and empathize with what others are thinking.
Q15I experience significant fluctuations in my mood.